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Written by Uri Avnery Uri Avnery
Category: News News
Published: 20 December 2009 20 December 2009
Last Updated: 20 December 2009 20 December 2009
Created: 20 December 2009 20 December 2009
Hits: 3413 3413
THIS WEEK I enjoyed an hour of happiness.
I was on my way home, after collecting William Polk’s new book about
Iran. I admire the wisdom of this former State Department official.
I was walking on the seaside promenade, when I was seized by a desire
to go down to the seashore. I sat down on a chair on the sand, sipped a
coffee and smoked an Arab water-pipe, the only smoke I allow myself
from time to time. A ray of the mild winter sun painted a golden path
on the water, and a lone surfer rode on the white foam of the waves.
The shore was almost deserted. A stranger waved at me from afar. Some
passing youngsters from abroad asked to try my pipe. From time to time
my gaze wandered to far-away Jaffa jutting out into the sea, a
beautiful sight.
FOR A moment I was in a world that was all good, far from the
depressing items that were prominent in the morning paper. And then I
remembered that I had felt the same way many-many years ago.
It was 68 years ago, in exactly the same spot. It was also a pleasant
winter day, facing a stormy sea. I was on sick leave, after a severe
attack of typhoid fever. I was sitting on a deck chair, warming myself
under the gentle winter sun. I felt my strength coming back to me after
the debilitating disease, I forgot the far-away World War. I was 18
years old and the world was perfect.
I remember the book I was reading: Oswald Spengler’s “Decline of the
West”, a forbidding tome that painted an entirely new picture of world
history. Instead of the then accepted landscape in which a straight
line of progress led from ancient times to the Middle Ages, and from
there to the modern era, Spengler painted a landscape of mountain
chains, in which one civilization follows another, each one being born,
growing up, getting old and dying, much like a human being.
I was sitting and reading, actually feeling my horizons widen. Every so
often I laid down the volume, in order to absorb the new insights.
Then, too, I looked towards Jaffa, at that time still an Arab town.
Spengler asserted that every civilization lives for about a thousand
years, creating in the end a world Empire, and that thereafter a new
civilization takes its place. In his view, Western civilization was
about to create a German world empire (Spengler was German, of course)
after which the next civilization would be Russian. He was right and he
was wrong: A world empire was about to be born, but it was American,
and the next civilization will probably be Chinese.
MEANWHILE AMERICA is ruling the world, and that leads us, naturally, to Barack Obama.
I listened to his Nobel Prize acceptance speech. My first impression
was that it was almost impertinent: to come to a peace ceremony and
there to justify war. But when I read it for the second and then a
third time, I found some undeniable truths. I, too, believe that there
are limits to non-violence. No non-violence would have stopped Hitler.
The trouble is that this insight serves very often as a pretext for
aggression. Everyone who starts a stupid war – a war that is just not
going to solve the problem that caused it – or a war for an ignoble
aim, pretends that there is no alternative.
Obama tries to stick the “no alternative” label onto the Afghan war – a
cruel, superfluous and stupid war if ever there was one, very much like
our own last three military adventures.
Obama’s observations deserve reflection. They invite, and indeed
demand, debate. But it was odd to hear them on the occasion of the
award of a peace prize. It would have more proper to voice them at West
Point, where he spoke a week earlier.
(A German humorist mentioned that Alfred Nobel, who instituted the
prize, had invented dynamite. “That’s the right order of things’” he
said, “first you blow everything up and then you make peace.”)
I WOULD have expected Obama to use his speech to present a real
world-wide vision, instead of sad reflections on human nature and the
inevitability of war. As the President of the United States, on such a
festive occasion, with all of humanity listening, he should have
underlined the necessity for the new world order that must come into
being in the course of the 21st century.
The swine flu provides an example of how a fatal phenomenon can spread
all over the globe within days. Icebergs that melt at the North Pole
cause Indian Ocean islands to be submerged. The crash of the housing
market in Chicago causes hundreds of thousands of children in Africa to
die of hunger. The lines I am writing at this moment will reach
Honolulu and Japan within minutes.
The planet has become one entity – from the political, economic,
military, environmental, communication and medical points of view. A
leader who is also a philosopher should outline ways to create a
binding world order, an order that will consign wars as a means of
solving problems to the past, abolish tyrannical regimes in every
country and pave the road to a world without hunger and epidemics. Not
tomorrow, for sure, not in our generation, but as an aim to strive for,
directing our endeavors..
Obama must surely be thinking about this. But he represents a country
that obstructs so many important aspects of a binding world order. It
is natural for a world empire to object to a world order that would
limit its powers and transfer them to world institutions. That’s why
the US opposes the world court and impedes the world-wide effort for
saving the planet and the elimination of all nuclear arms. That’s why
it objects to real world governance to replace the UN, which has almost
become an instrument of US policy. That’s why he praises NATO, a
military arm of the US, and obstructs the arising of a really effective
international force.
The Norwegian decision to award Obama the Nobel Peace Prize bordered on
the ridiculous. In his Oslo speech, Obama made no effort to provide,
post factum, a plausible justification for this decision. After all, it
is not a prize designed for philosophers but for activists, not for
words but for deeds.
WHEN HE was elected as president, we were ready for some
disappointment. We knew that no politician could really be as perfect
as Obama the candidate looked and sounded. But the disappointment is
much greater and much more painful than anticipated.
It covers practically all possible areas. He has not yet left Iraq, but
plunged with both feet deeper into the Afghan quagmire – a war that
threatens to be longer and more stupid than even the Vietnam War.
Anyone who looks for some sense in this war will search in vain. It
cannot be won, indeed it is not clear what would constitute victory in
this context. It is being fought against the wrong enemy – the Afghan
people, instead of the al-Qaeda organization. Rather like burning a
house down to rid it of mice.
He promised to close Guantanamo and the other torture camps –yet they are still in business.
He promised salvation to the masses of the unemployed in his country,
but poured money into the pockets of the Fat Cats who are as predatory
and gluttonous as ever.
His contribution to the solution of the climate crisis is mainly
verbal, as is his commitment to the destruction of weapons of mass
True, the rhetoric has changed. The sanctimonious arrogance of the Bush
days has been replaced by a more reconciliatory style and the
appearance of a search for fair agreement. This should be duly
appreciated. But not unduly.
AS AN Israeli, I am naturally interested in his attitude to our
conflict. When he was elected, he aroused great, even exaggerated
hopes. As the Haaretz columnist Aluf Ben put it this week: “He was
considered a cross between the prophet Isaiah, Mother Theresa and Uri
Avnery.” I am flattered to find myself in such exalted company, but I
must agree: the disappointment matched the hopes.
In all the long Oslo speech, Obama devoted 16 whole words to us: “We
see it in Middle East, as the conflict between Arabs and Jews seems to
Well, first of all, it is not a conflict between Arabs and Jews. It is
between Palestinians and Israelis. That is an important difference:
when one wants to solve a problem, one must first have a clear picture
of it.
More importantly: This is the remark of a bystander. A viewer sitting
in his armchair and looking at the TV screen. A theater critic
reviewing a performance. Should the President of the United States look
at the conflict like this?
If the conflict is indeed hardening, the US, and Obama personally, must
carry much of the blame. His folding up on the settlement issue and his
total surrender to the pro-Israel lobby in the US has encouraged our
government to believe that it can do anything it likes.
At the beginning, Binyamin Netanyahu was worried about the new
president. But the fear has dissipated, and now our government is
treating Obama and his people with scorn bordering on contempt. The
agreements made with the last administration are being broken quite
openly. President George W. Bush recognized the “settlement blocs” in
return for an undertaking to freeze all the others permanently and to
dismantle the outposts set up since March 2001. Not only has not a
single outpost been dismantled, but this week the government accorded
the status of “preferred area” to dozens of settlements outside the
“blocs”, including the worst Kahanist nests. From one of these, the
thugs went out this week and set fire to a mosque.
The “freeze” is a joke. In this theater of the absurd, the settlers
take part in a performance of violent opposition that is both invited
and paid for by the government. The police does not employ against them
pepper gas, tear gas, rubber bullets and truncheons – as they do every
week against Israeli demonstrators who protest against the occupation.
Nor do they conduct nightly incursions in the settlements to arrest
activists – as they do now in Bilin and other Palestinian villages.
In Jerusalem, of course, the settlement activity is in full swing.
Palestinian families are thrown out of their homes to the jubilant
cries of the settlers, and the few Israeli protesters against the
injustice are sent to hospitals and prisons. The settler groups engaged
in these activities receive donations from the US that are
tax-deductible – thus Obama is indirectly paying for the very acts he
FOR A happy hour on the seashore, under the gentle winter sun, I
succeeded in pushing the depressing situation away. Before reaching
home, a walk of 10 minutes, it came back and landed on me with its full
weight. This is not a time for easy chairs. There is still a struggle
ahead of us, and to win it we need to mobilize all our strength.
And Obama? Oybama.