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Written by Physicians for Human Rights, Israel Physicians for Human Rights, Israel
Category: News News
Published: 11 January 2010 11 January 2010
Last Updated: 11 January 2010 11 January 2010
Created: 11 January 2010 11 January 2010
Hits: 3758 3758
The main Musallam Medical Center in Ramallah this week received two
deliveries from the US with dozens of corneas, donated by Tissue Bank
International, an American organization that facilitates cornea and
tissue transplants. Every year corneas are sent during Christmas break,
during which such operations do not take place in the US, as a donation
to the Palestinian health system, and dedicated especially to eye
patients from Gaza.
The inquiry by the medical center in Ramallah raised the concern that
the exit of the patients from Gaza was being prevented by the Israeli
authorities, and accordingly PHR-Israel on Sunday made an urgent
request to the DCO in Gaza, responsible for issuing exit permits to
patients. In its appeal to the DCO, PHR warned that preventing the exit
of the vision-impaired patients for eye operations this week will
necessarily cause them to lose the opportunity for cornea transplants
in the near future, if ever, because the corneas designated for the
transplants have a very short expiration date.
Despite this request, the Israeli authorities prevented the exit of the
17 patients for the operation on time. Five patients were not given any
answer; two patients were summoned to investigations by the General
Security Service (GSS), scheduled for dates later than the cornea
expiration dates; two requests were rejected; and eight requests were
approved only after media intervention, but after the corneas had
already expired.
This case, with its far-reaching consequences for the vision-impaired
patients who now lost the opportunity to repair their eyesight,
illustrates the many difficulties that face the residents of Gaza who
need medical care that is not available in the Gaza Strip. The delays,
apathy and rejection by the Israeli authorities, which every month
curtail the access of dozens of patients to medical care, had
particularly severe significance in this case, because prevention of
these patients' exit from Gaza caused the loss of the corneas (which
can be transplanted within no more than 48 hours from the moment of
donation). Now the patients will have to wait for another cornea
donation, at an unknown time and likelihood.
Therefore, PHR-Israel strongly protests the blatant disregard of the
Erez checkpoint authorities for the medical urgency of allowing the
exit of patients for cornea transplant operations.
For more information, please contact Ran Yaron at
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