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The UN bases its figures on data collected by the Iraqi Health Ministry.

Unknown bodies

"The civilian population of Iraq continues to be victims of terrorist acts, roadside bombs, drive-by shootings, cross fire between rival gangs, or between police and insurgents, kidnappings, military operations, crime and police abuse," the report said.

It also made reference to the growing numbers of unidentified bodies which turn up in various areas around the capital.

During September and October, some 3,253 such corpses were found, many thought to be the victims of death squads operating with the collusion of the police.

And it noted the deteriorating plight of women, whom it said were increasingly targets of religious extremists and so-called honour killings.

"Kidnappings associated with rape and sex slavery have also occurred."

Getting facts

Last month, one US survey estimated that some 655,000 Iraqis might still be alive but for the US-led invasion of 2003.

The figures were vigorously disputed by supporters of the war in Iraq, including US President George W Bush, but there is backing for the methodology used among some statisticians.

The collation of data is an immense challenge in a country where anti-US insurgents and sectarian death squads pose a grave danger to researchers.

Story from BBC NEWS:

Published: 2006/11/22 12:20:52 GMT