Response to the Jewish Review on Oregon-Israel business ties
- Details
- Written by Peter Miller Peter Miller
- Published: 24 March 2011 24 March 2011
Response to the Jewish Review.
AUPHR had a protest of the recent inauguration of the Oregon Israel Business Assocation. Former Oregon Governor Ted Kulongoski has found his new career calling promoting Oregon business ties to Israel and was the keynote speaker at the event.
In a Jewish Review article entitled "Group backs Oregon-Israel business ties", reporter Paul Haist wrote:
During a question-and-answer period that followed Kulongoski’s formal remarks, two members of the audience asked political questions in which they vilified Israel as an “apartheid state,” in the words of one of the two, and accused Israel of human rights violations in regard to the Palestinians.
Political questions had been ruled out at the beginning of the program.
When the two individuals—including Peter Miller, the president of the Portland-based American United for Palestinain Rights—refused requests to decist, four uniformed security personnel ushered them from the room.
This is my response to that article:
Read more: Response to the Jewish Review on Oregon-Israel business ties