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- Written by Jameela al-Shanti in Beit Hanoun Jameela al-Shanti in Beit Hanoun
- Published: 08 November 2006 08 November 2006
- Hits: 3956 3956
I was the target, but instead the attack killed my sister-in-law, Nahla, a widow with eight children in her care. In the same raid
Israel's artillery shelled a residential district in the town of Beit Hanoun in the Gaza Strip, leaving 19 dead and 40 injured, many killed
in their beds. One family, the Athamnas, lost 16 members in the massacre: the oldest who died, Fatima, was 70; the youngest, Dima, was one; seven were children. The death toll in Beit Hanoun has passed 90 in one week.
This is Israel's tenth incursion into Beit Hanoun since it announced
its withdrawal from Gaza. It has turned the town into a closed
military zone, collectively punishing its 28,000 residents. For days,
the town has been encircled by Israeli tanks and troops and shelled.
All water and electricity supplies were cut off and, as the death toll
continued to mount, no ambulances were allowed in. Israeli soldiers
raided houses, shut up the families and positioned their snipers on
roofs, shooting at everything that moved. We still do not know what
has become of our sons, husbands and brothers since all males over 15
years old were taken away last Thursday. They were ordered to strip to
their underwear, handcuffed and led away.
It is not easy as a mother, sister or wife to watch those you love
disappear before your eyes. Perhaps that was what helped me, and 1,500
other women, to overcome our fear and defy the Israeli curfew last
Friday - and set about freeing some of our young men who were besieged
in a mosque while defending us and our city against the Israeli
military machine.
We faced the most powerful army in our region unarmed. The soldiers
were loaded up with the latest weaponry, and we had nothing, except
each other and our yearning for freedom. As we broke through the first
barrier, we grew more confident, more determined to break the
suffocating siege. The soldiers of Israel's so-called defence force
did not hesitate to open fire on unarmed women. The sight of my close
friends Ibtissam Yusuf abu Nada and Rajaa Ouda taking their last
breaths, bathed in blood, will live with me for ever.
Later an Israeli plane shelled a bus taking children to a
kindergarten. Two children were killed, along with their teacher. In
the last week 30 children have died. As I go round the crowded
hospital, it is deeply poignant to see the large number of small
bodies with their scars and amputated limbs. We clutch our children
tightly when we go to sleep, vainly hoping that we can shield them
from Israel's tanks and warplanes.
But as though this occupation and collective punishment were not
enough, we Palestinians find ourselves the targets of a systematic
siege imposed by the so-called free world. We are being starved and
suffocated as a punishment for daring to exercise our democratic right
to choose who rules and represents us. Nothing undermines the west's
claims to defend freedom and democracy more than what is happening in
Palestine. Shortly after announcing his project to democratise the
Middle East, President Bush did all he could to strangle our nascent
democracy, arresting our ministers and MPs. I have yet to hear western
condemnation that I, an elected MP, have had my home demolished and
relatives killed by Israel's bombs. When the bodies of my friends and
colleagues were torn apart there was not one word from those who claim
to be defenders of women's rights on Capitol Hill and in 10 Downing
Why should we Palestinians have to accept the theft of our land, the
ethnic cleansing of our people, incarcerated in forsaken refugee
camps, and the denial of our most basic human rights, without
protesting and resisting?
The lesson the world should learn from Beit Hanoun last week is that
Palestinians will never relinquish our land, towns and villages. We
will not surrender our legitimate rights for a piece of bread or
handful of rice. The women of Palestine will resist this monstrous
occupation imposed on us at gunpoint, siege and starvation. Our rights
and those of future generations are not open for negotiation.
Whoever wants peace in Palestine and the region must direct their
words and sanctions to the occupier, not the occupied, the aggressor
not the victim. The truth is that the solution lies with Israel, its
army and allies - not with Palestine's women and children.
· Jameela al-Shanti is an elected member of the Palestinian Legislative Council for Hamas. She led a women's protest against the
siege of Beit Hanoun last Friday