AL-HAQ JOINT OPEN LETTER: A Foundation not an Afterthought: Upholding International Law at Annapolis
- Details
- Written by Palestinian Civil Society Organisations* Palestinian Civil Society Organisations*
- Published: 26 November 2007 26 November 2007
- Hits: 4304 4304
As Palestinian
human rights and civil society organisations, we the undersigned, are deeply
concerned by the lack of a clearly articulated legal framework for the
upcoming diplomatic negotiations between
November 2007
A Foundation not an Afterthought: Upholding
International Law at
Joint Letter to Negotiating Parties by
Palestinian Civil Society Organisations*
As Palestinian
human rights and civil society organisations, we the undersigned, are deeply
concerned by the lack of a clearly articulated legal framework for the
upcoming diplomatic negotiations between
40 years of occupation of the West Bank, including
Protected persons who are in occupied
territory shall not be deprived, in any case or in any manner whatsoever,
of the benefits of the present Convention by any change introduced, as the
result of the occupation of a territory, into the institutions or government
of the said territory, nor by any agreement concluded between the
authorities of the occupied territories and the Occupying Power, nor by any
annexation by the latter of the whole or part of the occupied territory.
This provision seeks
to address the obvious imbalance of power between the occupied and the
occupier in any negotiation process. It recognises that an Occupying Power
can, by virtue of its occupation, seek to legally validate through
“negotiation” the unilateral imposition of facts on the ground
that violate international humanitarian law and harm the civilian
population. As noted by the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC)
in its authoritative commentary to the Fourth Geneva Convention, there is
in the case of occupation, “a particularly great danger of the
Occupying Power forcing the Power whose territory is occupied to conclude
agreements prejudicial to protected persons.” This danger is clearly
present in the context of the current negotiations, and is most obvious in
relation to
Throughout the 40
years of the occupation, Israel has used its effective control over the OPT
to implant some 149 settlements, currently home to over 470,000 settlers,
which control over 40% of the West Bank, including essential agricultural
and water resources. The current planned route of the Wall will incorporate
some 69 settlements, home to 83% of the settler population, on 12.8% of the
West Bank, including
March 2006
the event that negotiations were to lead to recognition of Israeli
settlements in the OPT as part of the State of Israel, this would amount to
the endorsement of the acquisition of territory by force. The illegality of
the acquisition of territory by force is a norm accepted and recognised by
the international community as a peremptory norm of international law -- a
norm from which no derogation is permitted.
right of all peoples to self-determination is also considered a peremptory norm
of international law. The retention of settlements and their associated
infrastructure by
Article 53 of the Vienna Convention on the Laws of Treaties, “a
treaty is void if, at the time of its conclusion, it conflicts with a
peremptory norm of general international law.” This therefore casts
severe doubt on whether a negotiated solution that accepts
State parties accessory to the negotiations are also obliged to duly
consider their international law obligations in relation to these
negotiations. Under common Article 1 of the
Geneva Conventions, the High Contracting Parties “undertake
to respect and to ensure respect for the present Convention in all
circumstances.” As specified by both the ICRC and the International
Court of Justice (ICJ), this provision entails an obligation on all State
parties, whether or not they are a party to the specific conflict, to take
all possible steps to ensure that the provisions of the Convention are
respected. In respect of the current negotiations, it is important to note
that the ICJ, in its Advisory Opinion on the Wall, found all States to be
under “an obligation, while respecting the United Nations Charter and
international law, to ensure compliance by
date, all diplomatic initiatives have ignored international law as the
essential foundation of any solution to
recently, on 19 September 2007,
this context, we urge the parties to approach the upcoming negotiations
with a renewed sense of purpose, giving due recognition of the
international legal obligations incumbent upon them, including UN Security
Council and General Assembly resolutions addressing Palestinian refugees. The task
which they face is a heavy one, as any final agreement must reflect a
commitment to the principles of international law, justice in addressing
wrongful acts, and respect for human rights. The fundamental rights of the Palestinian people are matters of
binding international law, not political bargaining chips. Their
implementation must not be left to
Association for Human Rights in
Prisoner’s Support and Human Rights Association
for Children International –
Counselling Center
NGO Network (PNGO)
*The letter was sent on 26 November 2007 to key
negotiating parties including the President of the PNA, the Israeli Prime
Minister and Foreign Minister, and EU and UN Officials.