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Written by Amira Hass Amira Hass
Category: News News
Published: 03 January 2008 03 January 2008
Last Updated: 03 January 2008 03 January 2008
Created: 03 January 2008 03 January 2008
Hits: 5535 5535
The Palestinians, in contrast to us, not only are not allowed to
move from Hebron to Tel Aviv, because they like the sea, for example;
they are not even allowed to visit the lands and homes their family
owned before 1948, nor are they allowed to tour Galilee and visit
relatives. The regime of travel permits that has been in place since
1991 deprives all Palestinians of the right to freedom of movement in
Israel while the system of roadblocks limits their movement in their
own territories.
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right to travel the land is a basic human right, and like any right,
when it is not universal, it is a mutilated right, that is, it becomes
a privilege. That is a fact, even if most Israelis repress or ignore
it. Our presence in the Palestinian territories, which is based on
military and political superiority, is therefore violent and arrogant
by its very nature, even when it is expressed in pleasant ways, like
cultivating gardens in settlements or taking a pre-Shabbat hike.
How do the Palestinians deal with this violence and arrogance? Some
take up arms and hope to kill Israelis. However, most choose other
ways, civilian and not military, to deal with our non-neutral presence,
with the daily violence that is at the basis of every occupying regime.
But let us not fool ourselves: most understand those who take up arms.
Therefore when the prime minister of the Ramallah government, Salam
Fayyad, expressed his sorrow over the killing of two young armed hikers
from Kiryat Arba last Friday, he managed to anger his public. "Any
death is unnecessary" he was quoted in Haaretz as saying. These are
wise and humane words. If those who are angry at him listened
carefully, they would have heard him teaching the Israelis that the
death of every Palestinian is also unnecessary. It is not his
responsibility that Prime Minster Ehud Olmert did not express sorrow
that Israeli soldiers killed Khaldiya Hamdan, a 51-year-old Gaza woman
returning from Mecca via the Erez crossing.
But Fayyad did not make do with an expression of regret. According
to the Palestinian daily Al Quds he said, "the military action was
carried out on Palestinian land" and that the authority must "meet its
security obligations." Haaretz reported that Fayyad said the authority
had already arrested suspects and was cooperating with the Israeli
security forces. Now the Shin Bet claims that the two individuals in
custody (who gave themselves up) are connected to the Palestinian
security services (which the Palestinians deny).
Fayyad suited his response to Israeli and American expectations
from the Palestinian Authority. Despite the fact that the Israel
Defense Forces is the sole sovereign over the West Bank, the PA is
expected to protect Israeli citizens; that is, to act as a
sub-contractor for the IDF and the Shin Bet. But Fayyad cannot meet
these expectations, because they completely contradict the harshness of
the basic experience of every Palestinian he is said to represent -
which is the violence of our presence.
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