- Details
- Written by Gush Shalom Gush Shalom
- Published: 15 February 2008 15 February 2008
- Hits: 3693 3693
אנא התלבשו באופן שמכבד את תושבי המקום.
גוש שלום, קואליציית נשים לשלום, תעאיוש, יש גבול, הועד נגד הריסות בתים, קואליציית הסטודנטים-אוניברסיטת ת"א, אנרכיסטים נגד גדרות.
As long as the wall still stands – so shall we!
Three years since the start of the village of Bil'in's popular struggle
Six months since the decision of the High Court to change the route
The wall in Bil'in has not moved – the struggle continues
On Friday, February 22 2008, we will hold a special protest to mark three years of popular, joint struggle against the wall and the occupation in Bil'in
Three years
Each and every week
152 protests
Palestinians, Israelis and Internationals marching together
Saying No! to oppression, No! to land theft and No! to separation
Yes! to partnership and solidarity between Israelis and Palestinians
Join us!
Tel Aviv: El Al Terminal, Arlozorov train station, 9:30am
Jerusalem: Liberty Bell Parking Lot, 9:30am
To Register:
Tel Aviv: Send an Email to Sarah This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. no later than Wednesday, February 20th. Please write your name, mobile phone no. and the no. of people coming. By Phone: 052-3991897 (preferably sms)
Jerusalem: Call Yoav at 054-5280992
First-time protesters, those who feel unsure, and those who would like to receive prior information and accompaniment during the protest, are encouraged to contact Dan at: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or 050-7851465
Please dress in a way that respects local residents.
Gush Shalom, Women's Coalition for Peace, Ta'ayush, Yesh-Gvul, ICAHD, Student Coalition-Tel Aviv University, Anarchists Against Walls