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Written by CNI Foundation CNI Foundation
Category: News News
Published: 10 March 2008 10 March 2008
Last Updated: 10 March 2008 10 March 2008
Created: 10 March 2008 10 March 2008
Hits: 6259 6259
On Wednesday, March 5,
the U.S. House of Representatives passed H.R. 951, which condemns the ongoing
Palestinian rocket attacks on Israeli civilians, holding both Iran and Syria responsible for "sponsoring terror
attacks." Additionally, the resolution claims that "those
responsible for launching rocket attacks against Israel routinely embed their
production facilities and launch sites amongst the Palestinian civilian
population, utilizing them as human shields". For the full text of House
Resolution 951, please click here.
resolution problematically includes a strong defense of the recent Israeli
incursions in Gaza. The following is one such exert: "Whereas the
inadvertent inflicting of civilian casualties as a result of defensive military
operations aimed at military targets, while deeply regrettable, is not at all
morally equivalent to the deliberate targeting of civilian populations as
practiced by Hamas and other Gaza-based terrorist groups"
The resolution passed
the House with an unequivocal majority of 404 to 1 with four representatives
voting present and nineteen abstaining. Who was the lone Member of
Congress to stand up to the Israel Lobby? Congressman Ron Paul
(R-TX) not only voted against HR 951, but also made a very strong statement
explaining why he opposed such a biased pro-Israel statement.
Below is Rep. Paul's statement he gave to the House before
the vote:
Mr. Speaker I rise in opposition to H. Res. 951, a resolution
to condemn Palestinian rocket attacks on Israeli civilians. As one who is
consistently against war and violence, I obviously do not support the firing of
rockets indiscriminately into civilian populations. I believe it is appalling
that Palestinians are firing rockets that harm innocent Israelis, just as I
believe it is appalling that Israel fires missiles into Palestinian areas
where children and other non-combatants are killed and injured.
Unfortunately, legislation such as this is more likely to
perpetuate violence in the Middle East than
contribute to its abatement. It is our continued involvement and intervention -
particularly when it appears to be one-sided - that reduces the incentive for
opposing sides to reach a lasting peace agreement.
Additionally, this bill will continue the march toward war
with Iran and Syria, as it contains provocative language
targeting these countries. The legislation oversimplifies the Israel/Palestine
conflict and the larger unrest in the Middle East by simply pointing the finger
at Iran and Syria. This is another piece in a steady
series of legislation passed in the House that intensifies enmity between the United States and Iran and Syria. My colleagues will recall that we saw a
similar steady stream of provocative legislation against Iraq in the years before the US attack on
that country.
I strongly believe that we must cease making proclamations
involving conflicts that have nothing to do with the United States. We incur the wrath
of those who feel slighted while doing very little to slow or stop the
To find out how your
Representative voted, please click here.
In addition, please
thank Rep. Paul for his brave actions on Wednesday. Contact his office
today and express your gratitude by calling (202) 225-2831.