- Details
- Written by Mustafa Mustafa
- Published: 26 March 2008 26 March 2008
- Hits: 3525 3525
[Example of Israeli and Palestinian peace activists at work]
Protest land discrimination in Wadi Ara! On Saturday, 29 March, as part of Land Day events, there will be a car convoy from Um Elfahm to the unrecognized village of Dar ElHanoun in Wadi Ara.
The convoy will leave Um ElFahm (on the Wadi Ara road) at 11am and will reach Dar ElHanoun at 11:30. In Dar ElHanoun there will be a presentation about the current situation in the village, which dates back to the 1920s.
From Dar ElHanoun the convoy will continue to Mitzpe Ilan, the new Jewish settlement near Dar ElHanoun, which has only recently been approved in a government decision.
The convoy will then join the Land Day main rally in Qalansuwa.
We call upon all supporters of equality in Israel to join us in this rally.
Stop land discrimination in Israel!
Recognize Dar ElHanoun and all unrecognized villages!
Saturday 29 March:
11am – Um ElFahm, on the Wadi Ara road
11:30am – Dar ElHanoun (see map below)
For more info:
Mustafa :052-2309527