- Details
- Written by Birthright Unplugged, co-opting special "rights" for human justice! Birthright Unplugged, co-opting special "rights" for human justice!
- Category: News News
- Published: 01 April 2008 01 April 2008
- Last Updated: 01 April 2008 01 April 2008
- Created: 01 April 2008 01 April 2008
- Hits: 4832 4832
Apply by next week!!
*********************PLEASE FORWARD
Please note that this e-mail includes 2
announcements for education and travel opportunities in
1. Birthright Unplugged trip plus
Boycott/Divestment/Sanctions against
2. Birthright Unplugged trip (June 2-7)
1. Birthright Unplugged trip plus
Boycott/Divestment/Sanctions against
Calling all student and faculty activists,
faith-based organizers, community leaders, and justice seekers!
Are you currently involved in, or planning to
launch, a campaign of boycott, divestment, or sanctions against
Are you interested in spending time in
Birthright Unplugged announces its first
Boycott/Divestment/Sanction (BDS) + Investment Institute!
June 23-July 3, 2008
Application deadline:
April 4, 2008
Travel component (June 23-28):
In six days, we will visit Palestinian cities,
villages and refugee camps in the West Bank and spend time with internally
displaced Palestinian people living inside
Institute (June 30-July 3):
The following week, we will have a series of
workshops, presentations, and meetings designed to support organizers and
activists to be better able to apply their knowledge to campaign work. We
will invite colleagues who are activists in the movement and experts in
campaign planning, and we also expect participants to take an active role in
preparing presentations and conducting research that will help with the
launching or continuation of their own campaigns.
The Institute's focus is to support the 2005
Palestinian civil society call for BDS as a nonviolent strategy that has been
critical in bringing about the end of other systems of oppression, most notably
apartheid in
It is our hope that institute participants can learn
from past examples, invigorate current efforts and bring their ingenuity to
bear in their own communities.
Participants are responsible for their own
airfare. A sliding scale contribution of $500-$800 covers expenses during
the week of travel, and lodging, breakfast, and lunch, during the
institute. Participants should plan to spend about $15-25 per day on
dinner, transportation, internet, etc.
during the institute. Total costs should be
between $600-$1000 plus airfare. Feel free to consult with us about your
fundraising plan. A limited number of partial scholarships are also
available for those in need.
To apply or for more information about Birthright
Unplugged, please visit www.birthrightunplugged.org.
2. Birthright Unplugged trip:
Are you thinking of going to
Are you interested in meeting Palestinian families,
activists, community leaders, and political figures, and learning about life
under occupation?
Are you committed to turning education into action
and working for justice?
Join us for a 6-day trip through the
Trip dates: JUNE 2-7, 2008
Application deadline: APRIL 4, 2008
Cost: Sliding scale $350-$500 covers all food,
lodging, and transportation for the 6-day trip. It does not include airfare.
While most Birthright Unplugged participants are
Jewish people from
"Through Birthright Unplugged I met some of the
most amazing, heroic and inspiring people I've ever met in my life. I felt my
politics about Israel and Palestine were set before I went on the trip, but
experiencing it first-hand made me understand the realities of occupation and
resistance so much more deeply. The program gave me new perspective and renewed
passion to work for justice in
Trips run every summer and winter. For more
information about the itinerary, trip leaders, and application materials, visit
We look forward to hearing from you!