- Details
- Written by Democracy Now Democracy Now
- Published: 14 April 2008 14 April 2008
- Hits: 3404 3404
[The cruel treatment of this Palestinian Professor after years and years of harassment continues . . .]
Jailed Professor Sami al-Arian Moved to Solitary Confinement Days Before Scheduled Release
And supporters of the jailed Palestinian professor Sami Al-Arian have issued a new warning over his health after he was again placed in solitary confinement just days before his scheduled release. Al-Arian is in the second month of a hunger strike to protest his ongoing imprisonment. Last year, Al-Arian was imprisoned for an additional eighteen months for refusing to testify before a Virginia grand jury. He’s been in prison for five years on charges that he was a leader of the Palestinian Islamic Jihad. He was jailed on a plea agreement to avoid a second trial. In his original trial, a Florida jury failed to return a single guilty verdict on any of the seventeen charges brought against him.