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- Written by Jeff Merkley, Candidate for US Senate Jeff Merkley, Candidate for US Senate
- Published: 21 April 2008 21 April 2008
- Hits: 4884 4884
Jeff Merkley
Oregon Democratic Candidate for US Senate
Position Paper on the U.S. – Israel Partnership
The United States and Israel
Allies and Partners
I strongly support the US-Israel relationship, a mutually beneficial bond made stronger by common values, histories, and dedication to democratic principles. Our first and unassailable commitment in the Middle East must be to the security of Israel.
The United States and Israel have enjoyed a unique relationship since the founding of the State of Israel almost 60 years ago. The U.S. was the first country to recognize Israel, and this initial support has grown into a very close relationship reinforced by shared values, ideals, and security interests. We share with Israel a respect for democratic principles, human rights, and religious freedom. As part of this relationship, the United States and Israel regularly cooperate, serving the interests of each, in the economic, technological, and security arenas.
I am and will continue to be a staunch support of the special relationship between the U.S. and Israel. I will always seek to ensure its strength and foster its growth. I will work to ensure a safe and secure Israel and a more stable Middle East; there is no better way to help make America be safe, strong, and secure.
Personal Connection to Israel
Growing up in Oregon, my father, who was a mill worker and a mechanic, taught me about hard work. He also taught me about the Holocaust, about the challenges to Israel's birth and survival, and the need to keep Israel strong and secure.
I have had the privilege of visiting Israel twice: once as a college student in 1978, and again in 2002, as President of the World Affairs Council of Oregon.
As a college student I sought out the opportunity to visit Israel and succeeded by finding a way to get there from Italy, where I was studying abroad. I arrived in Tel Aviv just in time to catch the last bus to Jerusalem on a Friday afternoon and experience the emotional and spiritual power of the Western Wall at sunset at the start of the Sabbath. I spent several weeks hitchhiking around Israel and the West Bank—with experiences that ranged from climbing Masada, to traversing Hezekiah's tunnel, to staying at a kibbutz—gaining some sense of the history of the Jewish people and the intensity of their connection with the land and with Jerusalem.
On my more recent trip, I had a chance to speak with Israeli government leaders about security issues, economic issues and world affairs. These first-hand contacts reinforced my commitment to protecting Israel's right to live within safe and secure borders. It is difficult for Americans to fully grasp how small Israel is – the distance between Tel Aviv on the Mediterranean Sea and Jerusalem on the edge of the West Bank is just 40 miles. One day I walked past a place where a suicide bomber had blown himself up the previous day, killing several Israelis at a restaurant. One must only remember our own American reaction to terrorist acts to realize how stressful and unsustainable it is to live in a city or a country where terrorist bombings occur regularly.
Strategic Relationship
Americans and Israelis share many values and aspirations. Both the U.S. and Israel had to fight and sacrifice to achieve freedom and statehood. We strongly value fairness, individual liberty, and the rule of law. We are also countries that seek peace and prosperity, and recognize that security and stability in the Middle East is an important component in achieving many of our shared aspirations.
Israel is a strong and reliable ally in the Middle East. The U.S. and Israel, with other partners and allies in the region and around the world, must work together to guard against the threats posed by religious fanaticism, rogue countries (Iran and Syria), and terrorism (Hamas, Hezbollah, Al Qaeda, and others). The United States must continue to ensure Israel's qualitative military edge, I pledge I would ensure as a U.S. Senator.
A strong partnership between the U.S. and Israel is crucial, and as a member of the US Senate, I will work tirelessly to maintain that partnership.
Threats to Israeli Security
The Middle East is in deep turmoil and Israel faces serious geo-strategic threats.
One of the most significant threats to Israel and to the entire Middle East and world is a nuclear Iran. The U.S. must do everything it can to prevent Iran from further developing nuclear weapons. Although the recent National Intelligence Estimate (NIE) assessment on Iran concludes that Iran probably suspended its nuclear weapons program in 2003, it also concludes that Iran is continuing to pursue nuclear energy technologies, including enrichment activities, that underscore the ongoing threat of an Iranian nuclear weapons capacity in the near-term. Iran's sponsorship of international terrorism and its antagonism toward Israel and the U.S. underscore the need for vigilance, focused, tough, and effective international diplomacy, and strong US leadership.
Syria has long supported the terrorist activities of Hezbollah and Hamas, providing home and shelter for its leadership, a transit for Iranian arms, and a constant source of activities to undermine Lebanon's democratic government. The rearming of Hezbollah would be a violation of United Nations Security Council Resolution 1701, which forbids foreign countries from providing arms to Hezbollah. Moreover, the United Nations Hariri tribunal is currently investigating the role of Syrian leadership in the assassination of Lebanese Prime Minister Rafic Hariri. Syria must be held accountable for its actions.
I support a tough and deft diplomatic strategy to keep Iran free of nuclear weapons and Syria under check. This strategy must have both carrots and sticks. I support existing sanctions against both countries. With respect to Iran, I would impose additional sanctions that would prohibit U.S. companies and their foreign subsidiaries from conducting business or investing in Iran. I support efforts to hold the Iranian government responsible for its actions and to encourage a truly open and democratic government in Iran.
I would consider similar efforts and sanctions in regard to Syria and any other rogue player in the Middle East that harbors and supports terrorists or threatens the peace and security of the region, including that of Israel and its people.
Foreign Aid and Strategic Cooperation
Israel is the only true democratic government in the Middle East. It can provide a beacon of freedom and stability in a region of the world too often marked by oppression and political and social instability. As a US Senator, I will fully support the U.S. commitment to keep Israel strong. I will be an advocate and supporter of our nation's foreign assistance commitments to Israel. American financial support--a significant percentage of which is reinvested in U.S. businesses and further strengthens the partnership--is crucial to ensure a strong and stable Israel and can help achieve political, social, and economic stability in the Middle East. I also support the network of joint anti-terrorism strategies and intelligence gathering. As a US Senator, I will support these cooperative efforts and look for other joint opportunities to further the national interests of both nations.
Roadmap for Peace -- Israeli/Palestinian Relations
I share the view held by manner leaders, including our current and former US Presidents and Prime Minister Olmert, that Israel's security will best be served by resolution of the long-standing conflict with the Palestinians through a two-state solution -- establishing an independent, stable, and economically-successful Palestinian state, alongside a safe and secure Israel; a Jewish state with Jerusalem as its Capital -- with both sides living side by side in peace and security.
Advancing toward this vision will take a high level of commitment by both parties, constant attention to Israel's security concerns, substantial international investment in the Palestinian economy, and concerted international cooperation. US leadership has proven critical at several key junctures; but in the end, the conflict can be resolved only by the parties themselves.
In charting a course to a lasting peace between Israel and the Palestinians, the U.S. should support pragmatic Palestinian leaders such as Present Abbas and Prime Minister Fayyad. I support US efforts to get aid directly to the Palestinian people by bypassing any Hamas-led government, believing that a better life for Palestinian families is good for both Israelis and Palestinians. With respect to Hamas, we must continue the current U.S. policy and law that no aid or support shall be provided to Hamas until and unless it recognizes Israel's right to exist, renounces violence, and commits to accept previous agreements.
I support the Roadmap for Peace that has been established and will support all reasonable and fair effort to advance the peace process in the Middle East, leading to a two-state solution. However, I will not support asking Israel, or any nation, to negotiate with terrorists and risk its safety or ideals in the process.
Security Barrier
Israel, like all other countries, has the right and the obligation to defend its citizens. Israel, after suffering over 1,000 dead and 7,000 wounded from suicide bombings and other terrorist attacks, responded by erecting a defensive barrier. This barrier has been successful in significantly reducing the number of terrorist bombings inside Israel.