- Details
- Written by Israeli Committee Against House Demolitions - ICAHD-USA Israeli Committee Against House Demolitions - ICAHD-USA
- Category: News News
- Published: 08 September 2008 08 September 2008
- Last Updated: 08 September 2008 08 September 2008
- Created: 08 September 2008 08 September 2008
- Hits: 4302 4302
we've done shows that people can do what governments should have done.
If people stand up against injustice, we can truly be the conscience of
the world." --Jeff Halper
have just heard that our request for re-funding has been rejected, in
high probability because of pressure brought to bear by right-wing
Israeli neo-cons who have campaigned obsessively against our funding
while threatening publicly to close us down.
So we now face a real crisis.
said, those who want us "gone" make a mistake in assuming that we will
close if our funding is withdrawn. Our plan is to keep the office open
and retain two staff; I will work on a voluntary basis until the financial picture improves.
continue to be very grateful for the support we've received from the
ICAHD-USA community; your contributions have been an important
supplement to the EU funding, allowing us to launch the Constructing
Peace Campaign. Now we are turning to you for help; we must work
together to preserve ICAHD's position as a leader in the Israeli peace
I promise you, no matter what, ICAHD will not be silenced.