Come hear:
Jeff Halper Executive Director of the Israeli Committee Against House Demolitions.
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Jeff Halper, director of the Israeli Committee Against House Demolitions, describes the struggle to save Palestinian homes.
Jeff Halper, 2006 Nobel Peace Prize candidate, nominated with Palestinian intellectual and activist Ghassan Andoni by the American Friends Service Committee, is the executive director of the Israeli Committee Against House Demolitions (ICAHD), a grassroots activist NGO in Jerusalem resisting the Israeli occupation on the ground and one of the first Israeli peace groups to work inside the Occupied Palestinian Territories. Halper was most recently in the news as the only Israeli Jew aboard the FREE GAZA boats that broke the Israeli blockade by sailing from Cyprus to the port at Gaza City in late August. He was arrested by Israeli police when he returned via the Erez border crossing from Gaza into Israel.
In acts of political resistance, ICAHD works in coalition with a wide range of activist Israeli organizations including: Bat Shalom, Rabbis for Human Rights, Gush Shalom and the Alternative Information Center, as well as grassroots Palestinian groups such as the Land Defense Committee, the Palestinian Agricultural Relief Committee (PARC) and the Palestinian Center for Rapprochement Between People.
A professor of Anthropology, Halper has written extensively on the Israeli occupation in periodicals such as The Journal of Palestinian Studies, Counterpunch, and Tikkun Magazine and has published Obstacles to Peace: A Re-framing of the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict where he discusses at length and illustrates in detail what he calls “The Matrix Of Control.” Halper joins other Israeli and U.S. activist groups in calling for an end to US economic and political support that underwrites the Israeli occupation and applauds President Carter’s courage for writing his new book, Palestine: Peace Not Apartheid. Halper’s latest book, An Israeli in Palestine: Resisting Dispossession, Redeeming Israel, is just out from Pluto Press.
This program is co-sponsored by Jewish Voice for Peace (Portland Affiliate), KBOO Community Radio, Americans United for Palestinian Human Rights, Friends of Sabeel - North America, Portland Peaceful Response Coalition, American Jews for a Just Peace, Peace and Justice Works, Lutherans for Justice in the Holy Land - A Ministry of Central Lutheran Church, Al-Nakba Awareness Project of Eugene, Voices for Mid-East Justice, Women’s International League for Peace and Freedom, and others.
For more information, please call (503) 344-5078 or write to Portland, Oregon