- Details
- Written by AUPHR AUPHR
- Published: 19 September 2008 19 September 2008
- Hits: 3231 3231
According to Opensecrets.org, Oregon Senator Gordon Smith has raised $122,650 from pro-Israel sources during the current election cycle. In 2002 he raised $127,339. His career total $263,239.
See www.opensecrets.org/races/indus.php?id=ORS1&cycle=2008
While Smith has certainly done his part to carry Israel's water, during this election cycle so far the pro-Israel lobby gave well over $6 million to all candidates of which a whopping 62% went to Democrats. Clearly, Smith is reaching across the aisle!
See www.opensecrets.org/industries/indus.php?ind=Q05
With Opensecrets.org, you too can investigate your own candidates!
Gordon Smith sponsored a resolution to support the building of Israel's Apartheid wall, and condemn the International Court of Justice for opposing it.
See: thomas.loc.gov