- Details
- Written by Peter Miller Peter Miller
- Published: 28 March 2011 28 March 2011
- Hits: 4997 4997
Register here: rachelcorriefoundation.givezooks.com/events/peace-works-2011-solidarity-in-action
Come together to turn knowledge into action, to build connections across movements, and to strengthen grassroots efforts for...
Peace, Justice, and Freedom in Palestine/Israel and Beyond.
Celebrate, learn from, and explore the implications of the People's Uprisings in the Middle East with
Hear the words of a poet who has examined the wounds in Gaza and drawn connections between rich histories of struggle with
Whether new to the cause or a seasoned activist, come to Olympia to join students and young people, community members, people of faith, peace and justice activists from a range of struggles. Network, share skills and attend workshops on...
· Campus Divestment Strategies with students from the divestment campaigns at UC Berkeley, Evergreen, and Hampshire Colleges.
· From Actions to Campaign: Choosing your BDS Target with Israeli founder of Who Profits? Dr. Dalit Baum and Palestinian Human Rights Attorney Noura Erakat.
· Power, Privilege, and the Politics of Cross-Movement Building with members of Palestinian Queers for BDS, the Indigenous youth delegation to Palestine, and more.
· Combating Misused Charges of Anti-Semitism and Challenging Jewish Privilege with Rabbi Lynn Gottlieb and Sarah Kershnar.
· How to Talk the Walk: Constructing & Deconstructing the Discourse on Palestine/Israel with members of Olympia and Philly BDS.
· Food as a Weapon and a Solution: Food Justice for Palestine with members of Canaan Fair Trade, Students United for Palestinian Equal Rights and an urban Seattle farmer.·
· Hip Hop: A Tool for Liberation with Seattle-based Emcee Gabriel Teodros.
· Beating the Backlash: Winning in Victory, Winning in Defeat with members of the Seattle Mideast Awareness Campaign, MN Break the Bonds, and Olympia BDS.
· Faith in Action: BDS and Faith-Based Solidarity with Rabbi Lynn Gottlieb, Taher Herzallah and Yvonne Turner.
· and more...
Register here: rachelcorriefoundation.givezooks.com/events/peace-works-2011-solidarity-in-action