- Details
- Written by Peter Miller Peter Miller
- Published: 16 May 2011 16 May 2011
- Hits: 6816 6816
Community Calendar Announcement
EVENT: Joint Palestinian-Israeli Popular Struggle: The Face of a Future of
Peace and Equality, a free public lecture by Stanford University Professor
of Middle East History, Joel Beinin.
TIME: 7:30PM
DATE: Saturday, June 4th, 2011
PLACE: Room 271, Cramer Hall (1721 SW Broadway, downtown Portland),
Portland State University Campus.
CONTACT: Jewish Voice for Peace – Portland (503) 888-7455
Please join the newly formed Portland chapter of Jewish Voice for Peace for
a special evening with Stanford University Professor of Middle East History,
Joel Beinin. The topic for Professor Beinin's talk will be "Joint
Palestinian-Israeli Popular Struggle: The Face of a Future of Peace and
The lecture and discussion to follow, free and open to the general public,
will take place at 7:30PM on Saturday, June 4th, in lecture room 271 of
Cramer Hall on the Portland State University campus in downtown Portland
(1721 SW Broadway). Also co-sponsoring this event are Students United for
Palestinian Equal Rights, Americans United for Palestinian Human Rights, the
Women’s International League for Peace and Freedom, Portland Code Pink, War
Resister League of Portland, Friends of Sabeel - North America, Portland
Peaceful Response Coalition, Lutherans for Justice in the Holy Land, and
others. For more information, please contact Jewish Voice for
Peace-Portland at 503-888-7455.
Joel Beinin is the Donald J. McLachlan Professor of History and Professor of
Middle East History at Stanford University. He received his A.B. from
Princeton University in 1970, his M.A. from Harvard University in 1974, and
his A.M.L.S. and Ph.D. from the University of Michigan in 1978 and 1982. He
also studied at the American University of Cairo and the Hebrew University
of Jerusalem. He lived in Egypt in 1969, 1980-81, 1985, 1986, 1994,
2004-05, and 2006-08 and in Israel in 1965-66, 1970-73, 1987, 1988, 1993,
and 1993. He has taught Middle East history at Stanford University since
1983. From 2006 to 2008 he served as Director of Middle East Studies and
Professor of History at the American University in Cairo. His research and
writing focuses on workers, peasants, and minorities in the modern Middle
East and on Israel, Palestine, and the Arab-Israeli conflict.
Beinin has written or edited nine books, most recently Social Movements,
Mobilization, and Contestation in the Middle East and North Africa;
co-edited with Frédéric Vairel (Stanford University Press, forthcoming, May
2011) and The Struggle for Worker Rights in Egypt (Solidarity Center, 2010).
His articles have been published in leading scholarly journals as well as
The Nation, Middle East Report, The Los Angeles Times, The San Francisco
Chronicle, Le Monde Diplomatique, and others. He has appeared on Al-Jazeera
TV, BBC radio, National Public Radio, Democracy Now! and many other TV and
radio programs throughout North America, and in France, Egypt, Singapore,
and Australia, and has given frequent interviews to the global media. In
2002 he served as President of the Middle East Studies Association of North
We feel honored that Professor Beinin has chosen to speak in Portland, under
the aegis of the newly formed Jewish Voice for Peace chapter, and hope that
you will be able to join us on June 4, for this special event.
You can view an interview with Professor Benin here:
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