- Details
- Written by Peter Miller Peter Miller
- Published: 27 February 2013 27 February 2013
- Hits: 4612 4612
Tree of Life Conference on
Palestine and Israel
Wrestling With Reconciliation
Voices of Conscience
1:00 pm, March 3, 2013
The Tree of Life is a sacred symbol for many cultures and faiths across our world. It reminds us that all of creation is deeply interrelated and interconnected. World peace and harmony depend on our realization of this truth. This is especially critical in the Holy Land where the children of Abraham — Muslims, Jews and Christians — share that sacred place. The 2013 Tree of Life Conference on Palestine and Israel will be amplifying and celebrating the under reported voices of conscience in the Palestinian-Israeli conflict and exploring how we, in this country, should respond to work toward reconciliation. We will listen to Jewish, Muslim, and Christian peacemakers share their insights and personal stories, and share a meal of fellowship and networking together in the sacred task of peacemaking.
1:00 pm - Registration, Craft and Book Sale
1:30 pm - Speakers and Program
5:30 pm - Middle Eastern Reception
Conference cost $10 per person.
Note: We ask for early registration to help know the amount of food needed (use the registration form link below). Walk-ins welcome. No one will be turned away for lack of funds.
Click to download and print:
Registration Form (PDF)
Conference Brochure (PDF)
Conference Poster (PDF)