- Details
- Written by Felicia Eaves and others Felicia Eaves and others
- Published: 02 July 2013 02 July 2013
- Hits: 6566 6566
July 1st, 2013
We stand against bigotry and racism in all their forms, and wish to express that the treatment Palestinians face shares much in common with what African Americans experienced under Jim Crow segregation in the USA. Apartheid is not a system limited to South Africa between 1948-1994. Apartheid was established as a universal crime by the international community in 1973 and again in 2002. but it is a system whose origins can be found in Jim Crow segregation and in settler colonies established by Europe around the world.
We stand by Alice Walker’s analogy between Israel's treatment of Palestinians and the Jim Crow segregation in the United States that many of us experienced, and struggled against through the civil rights movement. It is therefore no surprise to us, that, in response to Israel’s systematic discrimination, our acclaimed sister Alice Walker has urged Ms. Keys to employ the time-honored, peaceful method of boycott and to cancel her upcoming concert in Israel.
- Felicia Eaves, co-chair, US Campaign to End the Israeli Occupation
- Bill Fletcher Jr., African Americans for Justice in the Middle East and North Africa
- Hon. Rev. Dr. Kwame Abayomi, Ret., City Council - Baltimore, MD
- Adisa Alkebulan, Ph.D, Associate Professor of Africana Studies, San Diego State University
- Ajamu Baraka, Human Rights Activist
- Carl Bloice, Journalist
- Rev. Carolyn L. Boyd, Adjunct Pastor - Plymouth Congregational UCC, Washington DC (Author, The Five Steps To Forgiveness) (Host, Higher Ground) (Host, What's at Stake, Spiritually)
- Pastor Heber Brown, III, Pleasant Hope Baptist Church (Baltimore, MD)
- Angela Y. Davis
- Rev. Diane Ford Dessables, M.Div., MS
- Aaron Dixon, author of "My People are Rising: Memoir of a Black Panther Party Captain"
- Dr. Rhone Fraser
- Angela Gilliam, Faculty Emerita, The Evergreen State College
- Rev. Graylan Scott Hagler, Senior Minister, Plymouth Congregational United Church of Christ
- LisaGay Hamilton, actress
- Dr Lynette A. Jackson
- Maurice Jackson, Associate Professor of History and African American Studies, Georgetown University
- James Jennings
- Robin D.G. Kelley, Professor of History, UCLA
- Gerald Lenoir, Executive Director, Black Alliance for Just Immigration
- Rev. Joi R. Orr
- Reverend Chris Pierson
- Barbara Ransby, historian, author and activist
- Russell Rickford, Assistant Professor of History, Dartmouth College
- Lynn Roberts, African Americans for Justice in the Middle East and North Africa
- Jamala Rogers, Organization for Black Struggle
- Robyn C. Spencer
- Tabitha St. Bernard
- Bill Strickland, Professor Emeritus, University of Massachusetts, Amherst
- Aisha Truss-Miller
- Brandon West
- Johnny E. Williams, Department of Sociology, Trinity College
- Emira Woods, Co-Director Foreign Policy in Focus- Institute for Policy Studies, Washington DC