- Details
- Written by SUPER, AUPHR, JVP and others SUPER, AUPHR, JVP and others
- Published: 09 July 2014 09 July 2014
- Hits: 4939 4939
Emergency Rally/Protest at Pioneer Square this Saturday 11am
Israel has used this latest round of violence as an excuse to escalate offensives around Palestine, the worst of which is being rained upon the people of Gaza. We have several members with family members who have been injured and had to evacuate their homes-in Gaza this means there is no where to go as it is the world's largest open air prison.
Please, we need your voices and bodies to be there in support. We will be gathering signatures to present to Senator Wyden.
*If anyone has a battery/generator powered system for sound this would be great.
Please, this is not the time for political rallying for one group or another. We are rallying in solidarity with all peoples tragically affected by this violence and to call for the freedom of the people of Palestine.
*Water/snacks/first aid supplies/sunscreen
*Bring signs (please no explicit images of dead people)
*Sidewalk chalk/markers/empty poster boards
*Pal Flags
Our FB invite is here: https://www.facebook.com/events/1442858732642715/