- Details
- Written by Dr. Mona El-Farra, MECA Director of Gaza Projects Dr. Mona El-Farra, MECA Director of Gaza Projects
- Published: 14 July 2014 14 July 2014
- Hits: 5012 5012
This is a message from Dr. Mona El-Farra with the Middle East Children's Alliance.
Dear Friend of Palestinian Children,
Every day I have been trying to get news to the world—through radio interviews and writing in email, on Facebook.
Telling the world what is happening to us. Reminding the world that we are not just numbers. We are human beings with stories, dreams, anger, laughter and everything in between. Trying to get the world to listen to the voices from Gaza, while Israel’s lies are told again and again in a much louder voice.
You are a friend of MECA, so I know you understand all this. I am writing to ask you to show your caring and solidarity by making a contribution to the Middle East Children's Alliance now.
Every day I go to the Red Crescent Society to treat children, women and men who are coming in with terrible injuries—head wounds and missing limbs, severe burns and shrapnel in their bodies. And we are running out of medicine.
On the way home, I see families trying to live in bombed out homes—or no homes at all. I see the terrified faces of the children clinging to their parents and covering their ears from the horrible sounds of bombs. Last week, three children were killed on their way to buy food.
Please give as generously as you can now. MECA will send funds for me and our Gaza team to:
Purchase medicine and supplies for patients at the Red Crescent Society and Al-Awda Hospital
Distribute milk and food to families who have lost their homes or have no source of income at all
Continue activities to provide psychological support to children once the bombing stops
For an entire week, we have lived with the drones and jet fighters in the sky, with gunboats or warships hitting Gaza from the sea. Now tanks and soldiers are lining up on the border to raid Gaza any minute. And this assault against Gaza is on top of a very deteriorating humanitarian situation, with shortages of almost everything, including clean water, electricity and sanitation.
So, please, I ask you to speak out, to march, to tell everyone what is happening to us. That we have no bomb shelters and our homes are being destroyed. That we are being attacked and killed only because we are Palestinians. That we are trapped in Gaza with no exits. That the majority of us are refugees and were pushed into the Gaza Strip during the 1948 Nakba.
And, please, right now, give so the children can survive and have the chance to grow up healthy and strong. Please be as generous as you can.
In Solidarity,
Dr. Mona El-Farra
MECA Director of Gaza Projects