- Details
- Written by Dr. Hadi Nouredine Dr. Hadi Nouredine
- Published: 30 July 2014 30 July 2014
- Hits: 4939 4939
Dear Community Members,
In light of the horrific events in Gaza
and other parts of the Arab World, the Arab American Cultural Center of
Oregon (AACCO) board of directors has decided to cancel the Arab
Festival which was set to take place August 3, 2014.
Oregonians and Arab-Americans with familial ties to the region, our
hearts are breaking and we cannot celebrate at this somber time. The
AACCO Arab Festival represents an important opportunity for our
community to come together and it will be back. We thank you for your
understanding and support. We know you will keep the victims in your
thoughts. The Festival is largely supported by donations from our
community and generous sponsors. At this time, we encourage these
donations to be directed to organizations that can ease the suffering of
the people affected by these tragedies.
Dr. Hadi Nouredine
President, AACCO
On behalf of the AACCO Board of Directors