- Details
- Written by AUPHR AUPHR
- Published: 06 August 2014 06 August 2014
- Hits: 4930 4930
Please join us and please spread the word
VIGIL to honor and remember the over 1800 people killed in the Israeli assault on Gaza
Meet at the field just south of the Hawthorne Bridge, across from the Downtown Marriott Hotel (where the Blues Festival is held)
Our goal is to get at least 1800 people to come together to bear witness. We will have signs each with the name of one person who was killed in the Israeli assault on Gaza.
Meet at 1 PM to each get a name to hold and from there we will line up shoulder to shoulder along the waterfront to make a strong statement of what our US tax dollars are being spent on.
Together we will stand in vigil and solidarity for all the people of Gaza who were murdered and who must now try to re-build their lives.
We need lots of people there to make this effective. Please come, bring family and friends. ~ Spread the word to all you know~
Thanks and with heavy hearts we must work harder than ever for peace and justice.
Note: this action is being organized by Jewish Voice for Peace, Americans United for Palestinian Human Rights, Students United for Palestinian Equal Rights, Friends of Sabeel North America, and other groups. Please join us.
In Solidarity
-Students United for Palestinian Equal Rights