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- Written by STL-PSC STL-PSC
- Published: 16 August 2014 16 August 2014
- Hits: 5446 5446
Posted by admin on Friday, August 15, 2014
We, members of the St. Louis Palestine Solidarity Committee, are writing to express our deepest condolences to the community of Ferguson. Our thoughts and prayers are with you.
We recognize that Michael’s murder at the hands of the police is part of a system that routinely punishes, confines, and kills young African American men without justification. The circumstances of Michael’s death have sent shock waves of outrage and anger around the nation and throughout the world, including among the people of Palestine. We also believe that the only path to peace and justice in our world is through combatting racism and the violent institutions that perpetuate it.
We are here to offer any help we can to support your demand for real justice, not only for Michael and his community but for all the young, precious victims of this vicious system.
البقية في حياتكم
(al-ba’iyya fi hayatkum)
Arabic for “may his spirit remain with you”