- Details
- Written by Kelly Lynn Kelly Lynn
- Published: 11 September 2014 11 September 2014
- Hits: 5947 5947
Then 10-year-old Zahur Said and her friends were on their way to school last Monday, September 1st, Israeli authorities had already been surveying the area for hours. When she returned, 300 square meters of crumbled concrete and mangled steel was all that remained of the Al Rayyan Dairy Factory in Northern Hebron.
For three years, the factory built in partnership by the Islamic Charitable Society in Hebron (ICS) and Al Rayyan Company has provided a sustainable source of revenue for two orphanages run by the ICS, as well as aiding ten different schools in the area. It also supplied products like yogurt, milk and cheese to the organizations and families it benefits.
The factory received demolition orders two months ago on June 20th during the Israeli military’s Operation Brother’s Keeper. Israeli authorities confiscated most of its working machinery two weeks later on July 2nd. The ICS filed a case with the Israeli military court in the West Bank and had a court date scheduled for September 7th, 2014. Six days before the case was to be heard, the factory was demolished, with ICS and Al Rayyan sustaining more than two million dollars in losses.
- See more at: http://mondoweiss.net/2014/09/military-demolishes-benefitting