- Details
- Written by AUPHR and others! AUPHR and others!
- Published: 16 October 2014 16 October 2014
- Hits: 5792 5792
the Haifa Maccabis (Israeli basketball team)
THIS FRIDAY October 17 @ 6:15pm at the Moda Center!
THIS FRIDAY October 17 @ 6:15pm at the Moda Center!
starts at 7 PM, we should be there by 6:15 so
folks going in can see us!!)
up at: The SOUTH side of the Moda Center, across the
street from the arena--corner of NE Multnomah St
(near the Rose Quarter MAX stop for the red, green
and blue lines).
at #pdx4palestine
out your messages for Palestine justice:
Stand against Israeli Apartheid
stand with #pdx4palestine
Apartheid--wrong in South Africa, wrong in Israel
support the #blazers, we oppose injustice in
get the idea!!
Show some love for the Portland Trailblazers, but tell them CLEARLY we do not want them to play Israeli teams. These teams represent the injustice and occupation of Palestine. While this team travels freely, Palestinian athletes are denied that same right.
The Israeli basketball tour is a PR campaign to cover up the horrific massacre of the past summer that killed over 2100 people in Gaza, including over 500 children. In some cities the games are being used as a fundraiser for the Israeli military. That is the same military (and government) that continues to occupy Palestine, kills indiscriminately, and denies Palestinian citizens the right to live freely and with justice.
The image of the 4 young boys killed by Israeli bombs while playing soccer on the beach is Gaza is forever engraved in our hearts. We won't let this tour be a smokescreen over the ongoing horror of the occupation of Palestine.
Tell Israeli teams that Portland values freedom, justice and human dignity. We boycott Israeli sports teams and events.
We stand for justice for Palestine.
We'll have signs, or if you want to make some, here's some ideas:
Blazers---Don't Play with Apartheid
Blazers YES--Apartheid NO
Israeli Apartheid is a foul
End the Siege of Gaza