On Hunger Strike in Tampa: Dr. Al-Arian Moved to Medical Unit over continued harassment by US Gov.
- Details
- Written by Tampa Bay Coalition for Justice and Peace Tampa Bay Coalition for Justice and Peace
- Published: 05 March 2008 05 March 2008
- Hits: 5234 5234
Tampa Bay Coalition for Justice and Peace
March 5, 2008
Dr. Al-Arian Moved to Medical Unit
TAMPA— Yesterday afternoon, Dr. Sami Al-Arian, who began a hunger
strike Monday to protest government harassment, was moved to the
medical unit of Northern Neck Regional Jail in Warsaw, Virginia. Jail
officials made the decision to move Dr. Al-Arian so they can closely
monitor his health. Dr. Al-Arian, who is abstaining from both food
and water as part of his hunger strike, has already lost six pounds
in the past 36 hours.
"The Department of Justice has disgraced its own mandate of the
pursuit of justice and made a mockery of the bedrock principle of
trial by jury in its shameful persecution of Dr. Al Arian," said
Linda Moreno, one of Dr. Al-Arian's trial attorneys. "One can only
conclude, after a fair consideration of the record, that this is the
new form of lynching, not hung from a tree by hooded criminals, but
rather suspended between prison and limbo by political prosecutors
with no end in sight. The Constitution has been canceled until
further notice."
"The manipulation of the grand jury by Assistant US Attorney
Kromberg, and the failure of the Justice Department and the Courts to
respect basic contract-law principles in enforcing the terms of
the `no-cooperation' plea agreement, is making a mockery of the Sixth
Amendment right to jury trial," said Peter Erlinder, professor at
William Mitchell School of Law. "All Americans should reject this
continuing manipulation of our legal system the same way the Tampa
jury rejected the case against Dr. al Arian, when they acquitted him
in December 2005."
The National Lawyers Guild yesterday released a statement calling the
latest summons to appear before a grand jury "punitive government
harassment" of Dr. Al-Arian. Please see the full statement below.
March 4, 2008
12:42 PM
CONTACT: National Lawyers Guild
Heidi Boghosian, NLG Executive Director, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., 212-679-
5100, ext. 11
Peter Erlinder, Counsel for Al-Arian, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.,
National Lawyers Guild Calls Third Summons to Grand Jury of Dr. Sami
Al-Arian Punitive Government Harrassment
NEW YORK - March 4 - Dr. Sami Amin Al-Arian, who has spent the past
four years in jail despite a jury's failure to return a single guilty
verdict against him, has been called before a third grand jury
despite the fact that Al-Arian signed a "no-cooperation" agreement
with the government providing that he would not be required to appear
before any grand jury. The announcement came yesterday, one month
before his scheduled release.
Past-National Lawyers Guild President Peter Erlinder, Al-Arian's
counsel in 4th Circuit and 11th Circuit appeals, and on
the "acquitted conduct" Supreme Court cert petition said, "The
duplicity of the Justice Department and the failure of the courts to
recognize basic contract-law principles in this case is an example of
how politically-motivated "war on terror" prosecutions are distorting
the American legal system. In the Al-Arian case, the Justice
Department and the courts have made a mockery of the Sixth Amendment
right to a jury trial which should outrage all Americans as deeply as
the Tampa jury that acquitted Dr. Al-Arian more than two years ago."
It is now likely that when Dr. Al-Arian again refuses to testify
because of the "no-cooperation" agreement, he will be charged with
obstruction of justice and could receive several additional years in
prison. If he testifies, he faces a "perjury" trap based on Assistant
U.S. Attorney Gordon Kromberg's past practice with other acquitted
Palestinian defendants.
When he was arrested in February 2003, Dr. Sami Al-Arian was a
prominent Palestinian academic and a leading member of the Muslim
community in south Florida and one of the most prominent Palestinian
academics and activists in the United States. He was acquitted on
eight of 17 charges against him December 2005 after a six month trial
with three co-defendants. In April 2006 he pleaded guilty to a single
count of conspiracy, involving assisting his brother in law in his
immigration matters and denying to a reporter that he knew of a
colleague's association with Palestinian Islamic Jihad. In return,
federal prosecutors agreed to drop the remaining eight charges on
which the jury had "hung" 10-2 for acquittal and to recommend a time-
served sentence with release and deportation in May 2006. The Tampa
AUSA admitted, on the record, that the usual "cooperation clause" was
removed from the plea agreement because Dr. Al-Arian and his lawyers
would not agree to any form of cooperation.
At sentencing on May 1, 2007, Tampa Federal Judge James Moody gave
him the constitutional maximum sentence of an additional year, citing
the very offenses of which the jury had acquitted him. Despite
the "no-cooperation" agreement, and while the appeal of his acquitted
conduct sentence was pending on appeal, Al-Arian was found in civil
contempt in January 2007. In December 2007, a federal judge in lifted
the civil contempt and Al-Arian's new release date was April 2008.
After the contempt detention Dr. Al Arian went on a 100-day hunger-
strike because of the government's refusal to honor the plea
agreement. (He has just begun another hunger-strike.) Before trial
Dr. Al-Arian was held in Super-Max solitary and was subjected to
inhumane and punitive conditions, including 23-hour lockdown, abuse
from prison staff, unsanitary conditions with exposure to vermin,
denial of adequate winter clothing, bedding and religiously
appropriate diet, all in breach of Article 10 of the International
Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, to which the United States is
a party and has triggered an on-going investigation by the DOJ
Inspector General.
"This latest decision to call Dr. Al-Arian before a grand jury
clearly breaches his plea bargain and seems a political maneuver to
lengthen his prison term," said Heidi Boghosian, Executive Director
of the National Lawyers Guild. The prosecutor in charge of the grand
jury case in Virginia uttered anti-Islamic remarks when discussing
postponing Dr. Al-Arian's transfer to Virginia during Ramadan. "Anti-
Islamic remarks by the Assistant U.S. Attorney (AUSA) Gordon Kromberg
are further cause for concern that Dr. Al-Arian is being subjected to
especially punitive treatment based on his religion," continued
Founded in 1937 as an alternative to the American Bar Association,
which did not admit people of color, the National Lawyers Guild is
the oldest and largest public interest/human rights bar organization
in the United States. Its headquarters are in New York and it has
chapters in every state.
US plotted to overthrow Hamas after election victory
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- Written by Suzanne Goldenberg in Washington for The Guardian Suzanne Goldenberg in Washington for The Guardian
- Published: 04 March 2008 04 March 2008
- Hits: 5152 5152
[This is how America values Democracy!]
This article appeared in the Guardian on Tuesday March 04 2008 on p14 of the International section. It was last updated at 02:05 on March 04 2008.
The Bush administration, caught out by the rise of Hamas, embarked on a secret project for the armed overthrow of the Islamist government in Gaza, it emerged yesterday.
Vanity Fair reports in its April edition that President George Bush and the secretary of state, Condoleezza Rice, signed off on a plan for the Palestinian president, Mahmoud Abbas, to remove the Hamas authorities in Gaza. The plan called for Washington's allies in the region to funnel arms and salaries to Fatah fighters who would lead a rising against Hamas.
But the project was controversial even within the administration, the magazine reports. "There were severe fissures among neoconservatives over this," David Wurmser, a former Middle East adviser to the vice-president, Dick Cheney, told the magazine. "We were ripping each other to pieces."
Wurmser resigned his post in the vice-president's office in July 2007, only weeks after bloody clashes in Gaza between Hamas and Fatah that led to the Islamist organisation taking total control of the territory. "It looks to me that what happened wasn't so much a coup by Hamas but an attempted coup by Fatah that was pre-empted before it could happen," he said.
Read more: US plotted to overthrow Hamas after election victory
Recent Articles about Gaza Strip Human rights
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- Written by Saed Bannoura - IMEMC Saed Bannoura - IMEMC
- Published: 03 March 2008 03 March 2008
- Hits: 5202 5202
The Israeli Information Center For Human Rights In The Occupied Territories (B’Tselem) issued a report on Monday expressing grave concern over the large number of civilian casualties who were killed by the Israeli army in recent days.
B’Tselem reported that since February 27 until afternoon of March 3, 106 Palestinians were killed in the Gaza Strip, and that at least fifty-four of them, including 25 minors, did not take part in the fighting. The Center added that at least 46 of the wounded residents were children. The statement of the Center came in response to an initiative by the Israeli Defense Minister, who said that the army would probe “the legality of shelling areas that are used by Palestinian fighters in firing homemade shells into adjacent Israeli areas”. B’Tselem stated that even if the army is targeting “legitimate military targets” such attacks are prohibited if they are likely to cause harm to the civilians in those areas, and added that targeting neighborhoods from which homemade shells were fired is considered indiscriminate and a grave breech to the international law. B’Tselem added that it could not conduct a thorough investigation of the event as the fighting only stopped on Monday morning, but stated that an initial probe of some incidents in which civilians were killed raises deep concern that the army is using excessive and disproportionate force while failing to distinguish between civilians and combatants. The Center said that in one of the cases, the army killed four children, identified as ‘Ali Dardona, 8, Muhammad Hamudah, 9, Dardona Dardona, 12, and ‘Omer Dardona, and wounded two others while they played soccer in the street, east of the Jabalia refugee camp on 28 February. An investigation conducted by the center revealed that Qassam shells might have been fired from a nearby area, about 100 meters away, but yet no armed fighters were killed or injured in the army shelling. B’Tselem also stated that the army killed Iyad and Jacqueline Mohammad Abu Shbak, 16 and 17, while they were in their home and watching the fighting through the window of their house east of Jabalia. The slain brother and his sister where shot in the head and chest. B’Tselem also probed the death of Mohammad Al Bora’ey, 6 months, in Al Rimal neighborhood in Gaza City on February 27. Several residents were injured in the incident as the army shelled the nearby Ministry of Interior. The building were the ministry is located is a civilian building with no military presence, this it is not a military target. B’Tselem called on both sides of the conflict to abide by the law and to protect the civilians who are not part of the fighting. |
Scores killed in raids on Gaza; Palestinians blocked from medial treatment
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- Written by Peter Beaumont, foreign affairs editor, The Observer Peter Beaumont, foreign affairs editor, The Observer
- Published: 02 March 2008 02 March 2008
- Hits: 5201 5201
· More than 50 die in clashes with Israelis
· Observer uncovers block on seriously ill patients being treated abroad
The latest bloodshed comes as an Observer investigation revealed how Israel is again deliberately obstructing the transfer of urgent medical cases for treatment outside Gaza, in the latest extension of its policy of collective punishment of Palestinians.
The death toll climbed through yesterday as Israeli troops targeted Palestinian militants who fired rockets and mortar shells into Israel. The operation follows last week's warning by Israel's deputy defence minister, Matan Vilnai, that a 'holocaust' would be unleashed on Gaza if rocket fire was not halted.
Read more: Scores killed in raids on Gaza; Palestinians blocked from medial treatment
Abbas breaks contact with Israel
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- Written by BBC News BBC News
- Published: 02 March 2008 02 March 2008
- Hits: 4895 4895
The suspension came amid angry demonstrations in Gaza and clashes with Israeli troops in the West Bank.
Israeli PM Ehud Olmert vowed to carry on the assault, which came in response to militant rocket attacks on Israel.
The violence intensified on Saturday, when nearly 70 people were killed in one of Gaza's bloodiest days in years.
Local doctors said at least 13 of the Palestinians were civilians, including eight children.
At least another five people were killed overnight in Gaza.
The negotiations are suspended, because in light of the Israeli aggression such communication has no meaning
Mahmoud Abbas |