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- Written by Albert Einstein Albert Einstein
- Published: 14 December 2007 14 December 2007
- Hits: 3633 3633
{josquote}Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results. - Albert Einstein{/josquote}
U.S. Bill includes U.S.-Israel missile coordination
- Details
- Written by JTA JTA
- Published: 14 December 2007 14 December 2007
- Hits: 5549 5549
The proposal, authored by U.S. Rep. Mark Kirk (R-Ill.), is part of the Defense Authorization Act passed late Wednesday by the U.S. House of Representatives and due to be considered by the Senate before Christmas break. Under the proposal, the secretary of defense must within six months present a plan to Congress a plan "to improve the coordination, interoperability, and integration of the U.S. National Ballistic Missile Defense System with Israel’s missile defense architecture," a statement from Kirk's office said.
Such a plan will help defend Israel against reported plans by Iran to build missiles that can reach Israel, Kirk said. "Israel will be the first and only country to fully integrate with the American missile defense architecture," the statement said. "It is a symbol of our shared values and a safer 21st century."
ISA prevents Gazan heart patient who refused to collaborate from entering Israel for treatment
- Details
- Written by Sha'ban'Obeid Sha'ban'Obeid
- Published: 13 December 2007 13 December 2007
- Hits: 5567 5567
Testimony: ISA prevents Gazan heart patient who refused to collaborate from entering Israel for treatment, Nov. 2007
Sha'ban'Obeid, heart Patient
I had a heart attack in September 2005. I was taken to al-Aqsa Hospital , in Deir al-Balah, and then to a-Shifa Hospital , in Gaza . Because I did not regain consciousness, I was transferred to the Red Cross hospital in the city. The next day, due to my serious condition, I was transferred to Barzilai Hospital in Israel .
On 29 September 2005, after being at Barzilai for about a week I underwent a catheterization and the doctors also installed a stent in my left coronary artery. After my condition stabilized, I returned to Gaza . I continued to receive treatment, at different hospitals, from 2005-2007. On April 2006, I went to a Cairo cardiology clinic for treatment and then returned home. On June 2006, having received a referral from the Palestinian Ministry of Health, I went to Jordan to undergo tests.
When I returned from Jordan , I contacted the doctor who treated me at Barzilai, the head of the cardiology department, Dr. Jaffer Jamal, and told him about the tests. He made an appointment for me at Barzilai for 12 September 2006. Through the Palestinian Ministry of Health, I requested a permit to enter Israel , and Israel granted the request. I underwent tests at Barzilai, and the doctor told me that my condition was OK, but that I needed to return for treatment. He said that if my condition deteriorated, I should contact him for an appointment.
On my way back to the Gaza Strip, at Erez Checkpoint, I was told that I had to speak with the Shabak [ISA]. A person in civilian dress searched me and then took me to a room in which a person was sitting. He too was in civilian clothes. He said his name was Moshe. He questioned me, asking what my name was, where I worked, what organization I belonged to, how many brothers I had, and what they did for a living. Then he suggested that we go somewhere to have a coffee and so I could meet some other people, but I refused. Then he told me that he wanted to make a deal with me. I asked him what kind of deal, and he said: “Information in exchange for money.” He said I would have to supply information about laborers and other people. I told him I was sick and unable to move about easily, and that I didn't agree to the deal. I told him I didn't want to work with the Shabak. He told me I would have to return to Israel for medical treatment, and that if I agreed [to the deal], he would make things easy for me. I refused. He shook his head and said, “May God help you enter Israel after this meeting.”
I crossed into Gaza . A few months later, I received an appointment from Barzilai Hospital to complete the treatment, but Israel refused to give me a permit. I received appointments for 6 March, 20 March, 12 April, and 15 May, but Israel did not give me a permit to enter for any of them. The last one I got was on 25 September. Israel has not yet approved the request.
I have all the necessary documents. I submitted them via a Ministry of Health official, Mr. Ahmad Abu Ghazeh. He told me I was refused on security grounds. But I have already been in Israel , and more than once. I need to undergo important tests and need a pacemaker. My life will continue to be in danger until I undergo this treatment.
Sha'ban Fares Salameh Abu 'Obeid, 37, married, is an official in the Palestinian Ministry of Agriculture and a resident of Deir al-Balah, the Gaza Strip. The testimony was given to Khaled al-‘Azayzeh at the witness’s home on 27 November 2007.
Red Cross demands Mid-East action
- Details
- Written by BBC News BBC News
- Published: 13 December 2007 13 December 2007
- Hits: 5882 5882
The International Committee of the Red Cross has called for immediate
political action to contain the "deep crisis" in the West Bank and Gaza.
{josquote}Why do we call for political action? Because actually we do not
think that humanitarian aid can solve the problem
- Beatrice Megevand Roggo, ICRC{/josquote}
The statement was an unusual departure from its normally non-political
The ICRC said the measures imposed by Israel had denied the Palestinian
population the right to live a normal and dignified life.
The organisation says humanitarian assistance cannot possibly be the
solution in Gaza and the West Bank.
Don't Worry, Bush will come for a photo-op
- Details
- Written by Gush Shalom Gush Shalom
- Published: 13 December 2007 13 December 2007
- Hits: 5699 5699
Three weeks
Tanks shoot and crush.
People ride on donkeys
Because there is no petrol.
300 more housing units
Are added to the
But don't worry -
Soon Bush will come
And have another
14, 2007