Afghan women make call for peace
- Details
- Written by Pam O'Toole, BBC News Pam O'Toole, BBC News
- Published: 12 December 2007 12 December 2007
- Hits: 5894 5894
By Pam O'Toole
BBC News
Women across Afghanistan have been holding meetings to call for peace in their country.
Organisers say that at least 1,000 women turned out to hold prayer meetings in six main provinces and share their experiences.
The event - called the Women's National Peace Prayer - was held in the southern provinces of Kandahar and Helmand, and at other locations across the country.
Such events are highly unusual in war-torn Afghanistan.
The country remains deeply conservative and patriarchal, particularly in the south.
When several hundred women were allowed to pray for peace publicly in Kandahar earlier this year, it was said to be the first event of its kind.
Now, with violence spreading across the country, women from five other provinces have joined those in Kandahar to raise their voices for peace.
"This is very unusual," said Rangina Hamidi one of the organisers, who argues that the event shows the unity of Afghan women.
"I don't think this has happened in the history of Afghanistan - first of all the fact that six different provinces organised themselves together, for no purpose other than peace.
"They made the same loud cry - that women are sick and tired of killing and the deaths that come."
'Risking their lives'
Organisers say some Afghan women were clearly worried about getting involved in such events.
The Kandahar mother whose idea sparked these meetings had asked that her name not be revealed because her family would not approve.
Rangina Hamidi said those attending the event in the violence-torn province of Kandahar were particularly happy and relieved that their public meeting passed off without threats or violence.
"They were indeed risking their lives," she said, because we really did not know how we would be received.
"And to be honest, we hadn't informed any of the security forces to protect us. We wanted to be as natural as possible.
"So when women take such an action on themselves, they felt proud of themselves and felt proud of their sisters."
Organisers say that Wednesday's meetings marked the beginning of a movement.
The goal now is to spread such events across all 34 provinces.
Story from BBC NEWS:
Published: 2007/12/12 18:39:39 GMT
Israel Is 4th Largest Arms Exporter
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- Written by LAURIE COPANS, AP Writer LAURIE COPANS, AP Writer
- Published: 11 December 2007 11 December 2007
- Hits: 5816 5816
JERUSALEM (AP) - Israel became the world's fourth largest defense exporter in 2007, surpassing Britain, with $4.3 billion in signed contracts, officials said Tuesday amid efforts to tighten controls on the nation's arms sales to banned countries or groups.
Israel exports mostly radar systems, drones and anti-tank missiles to India, Turkey, Britain, the United States and other Western nations, defense officials said on condition of anonymity because of the sensitive nature of the information.
But Israel has earned a questionable reputation for the small percentage of its sales - usually of shells, rifles and ammunition - that go to war-torn countries, analysts said.
A new Israeli law attempts to ensure that Israeli weapons do not end up in the wrong hands.
Demand Justice for Lebanese Victims of 1996 Qana Bombing!
- Details
- Written by Center for Constitutional Rights Center for Constitutional Rights
- Published: 10 December 2007 10 December 2007
- Hits: 6180 6180
Take action today to demand justice for the more than 100 Lebanese
civilians - half of them children - killed in 1996 when the Israel
Defense Forces (IDF) intentionally shelled a UN compound in Qana.
Today, Monday, December 10, Center for Constitutional Rights attorneys
argued before the Court of Appeals for the D.C. Circuit that our case
charging retired Lt. Gen. Moshe Ya'alon with war crimes for his
decision to shell a UN compound sheltering 800 Lebanese refugees should
continue in the U.S. courts.
Help spread the word about this important human rights case:
- Write a letter to the editor of your local newspaper and let them know that the 1996 Qana attack is an important human rights issue.
- Download a CCR factsheet
- on the case and the attack and forward it to your friends and family.
Read more: Demand Justice for Lebanese Victims of 1996 Qana Bombing!
Stop the Carnage, Ban the Cluster Bomb!
- Details
- Written by ATFL ATFL
- Published: 08 December 2007 08 December 2007
- Hits: 5868 5868
that Israel launched into Lebanon in the summer of 2006 have been
cleared. You can help!
1. See the list of more than thirty organizations that have signed a
letter to Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice calling for Israel to
release the list of cluster bomb target sites to the UN team in charge
of clearing the sites in Lebanon:
2. You can Learn more about the American Task Force for Lebanon at their
3. Send a message to President Bush, the Secretary of State, and your
Members of Congress to stop the carnage and ban the cluster bomb by
clicking on the link below:
Unusually quick operation against "illegal outpost" builders
- Details
- Written by ISM Press release ISM Press release
- Published: 08 December 2007 08 December 2007
- Hits: 5745 5745
activists were forcibly evicted from a Palestinian house and arrested
today in the E-1 area. Early this morning Palestinians built a house
in the controversial E-1 area. Palestinians are routinely denied
permits to build on their own land, and homes that have been built are
demolished. The Human Rights activists stayed inside for a few hours
before a large police and army presence evicted them through use of
The E-1, or East-1 area, is between Ma`ale Adumim and Jerusalem, on
lands from nearby Palestinian villages. The Israeli government plans
to build a settlement of 3,500 apartments and an industrial park in
this area. This will effectively connect the Ma`ale Adumim settlement
with Occupied East Jerusalem, dividing the West Bank in two while
separating Jerusalem from all of it. In addition land has recently
been confiscated to build a road to connect the two Palestinian
enclaves that will be created on both sides of the `settlement bloc`.
Read more: Unusually quick operation against "illegal outpost" builders