A Palestinian Film Festival
5th Avenue Cinema, 510 SW Hall, Portland, OR 97201
October 5-7, 2018

Feature Films & Show Times
Friday, October 5, 7 pm……….The Stones Cry Out
Saturday, October 6, 3 pm ........The Wanted 18
Saturday, October 6, 7 pm…….Imprisoning a Generation
Sunday, October 7, 3 pm …….The Occupation of the American Mind
Recommended donation $5-10 per show, STUDENTS FREE.
Each feature film will be flanked by shorts.
Films suitable for mature teens.
An opportunity for Q&A will follow each show.
TICKETS AVAILABLE ONLINE AT https://www.brownpapertickets..com/event/3577741
Facebook event page: https://www.facebook.com/events/234176887252615/
About the Festival
Human Rights in the Holy Land was conceived by the Holy Land Ministry at Spirit of Grace, a Lutheran-Catholic Community in Beaverton., Oregon
Spirit of Grace, 7400 SW Scholls Ferry Road, Beaverton, OR 97008, 503-646-1344
Event Co-Sponsors & Websites
Friends of Sabeel (FOSNA), https://www.fosna.org/
Spirit of Grace, Holy Land Ministry, https://www.motaspirit.org/
Oregon Synod of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America, http://www.oregonsynod.org/
Students United for Palestinian Equal Rights (SUPER), http://www.superpsu.weebly.com/
Americans United for Palestinian Human Rights (AUPHR), http://www.auphr.org/
Lutherans for Justice in the Holy Land at Central Lutheran (LJHL), https://www.centralportland.org/lutherans-for-justice-in-the-holy-land/
Kairos, USA, https://kairosusa.org/
Jewish Voice for Peace, Portland Chapter, http://jvpportland.org/
United Methodist Conference, Holy Land Task Force of Oregon- Idaho, https://www.umoi.org/holyland/
United Church of Christ, Palestine-Israel Network, Central Pacific Conference, http://www.uccpin.org
Grace Memorial Episcopal Church of Portland, https://grace-memorial.org/
Democratic Socialists of America, Portland Chapter, https://portlanddsa.org/
Tree of Life Educational Fund, http://tolef.org/
West Linn Lutheran Church, https://wllc.org/
Other Supporters & Promoters
Ecumenical Ministries of Oregon, http://emoregon.org/
Unitarian Universalists for Justice in the Middle East (UUJME), Portland Chapter, https://uujme.org/
Independents for Progressive Action, http://independentsforprogressiveaction.org/
Lutheran Congregations, Missouri Synod, Northwest (LCMS), http://nowlcms.org/
St.. James Episcopal Church, Tigard, https://www.stjamestigard.church/