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Written by US Campaign to End the Israeli Occupation US Campaign to End the Israeli Occupation
Category: News News
Published: 16 December 2009 16 December 2009
Last Updated: 16 December 2009 16 December 2009
Created: 16 December 2009 16 December 2009
Hits: 3393 3393
Victory - Credo Mobile Hangs Up On Moto!
Last week we found out that Credo Mobile, a telephone service provider that claims to be guided by progressive values, stopped offering Motorola phones to their customers after complaints from our supporters. This
is a major victory in our campaign to boycott Motorola for profiting
from Israeli occupation and apartheid against Palestinians! Please take a moment to thank Credo for this decision.
Hang Up On Motorola organizers have been contacting Credo about joining our boycott for over a year. Last week US Campaign member group CODEPINK met with Credo and was assured that Motorola phones would no longer be offered. We're thrilled that people looking for a progressive phone service now have a Motorola-free option!
What does Credo will no longer offering Motorola phones mean?
It means that Credo will no longer be supporting a corporation that is responsible for providing infrastructure to West Bank settlements and facilitating Israeli military attacks on Palestinians. Click here to thank Credo for dropping Motorola. Find out more about Motorola's involvement in Israel's occupation by watching our new video. We were inspired to ask award-winning documentary film-maker Adam Shapiro to make this video after seeing Motorola's outrageous new commercial for its Droid phone. In this advertisement, Moto shows its phones being shot to Earth from stealth bombers. This commercial is shockingly close to reality; as our video shows, bombs enabled with Motorola fuzes were actually dropped by Israel on Gaza from F-16s. Click here to watch our video or click here to send it to a friend.
Click here to thank Credo Mobile for halting its sales of Motorola phones.
Click here to view our new video spoofing Moto's Droid commercial

Click here to ensure another year of successful Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions organizing by making a tax-deductible donation now.
Adam Shapiro donated his time and talents to improve our Hang Up On Motorola campaign. Can you also give? We're always looking for volunteers with graphic design or web (html or Drupal) skills. We also appreciate in-kind donations of office equipment such as printers, laptops, or even telephones. Of course we always need financial contributions as well. Donations to the US Campaign are tax-deductible. If you join our monthly sustainer program, the Olive Branch Club, or make a $50 or larger one-time contribution before the end of the year, then we will send you a copy of the award-winning documentary, Occupation 101. If you would like to volunteer or make an in-kind contribution, please click This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. to email our office manager.