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- Written by AUPHR AUPHR
- Published: 30 November -0001 30 November -0001
- Hits: 3498 3498
March-Rally & Report Back
Saturday, January 9 @ 12 Noon
Gather at Pioneer Court House Square march to Portland State University
1 Year Commemoration of Assault on Gaza & Student Report Back
Justice for Gaza! US out of Middle East! End US Funding for Apartheid!
We need Jobs and Education
Not Wars and Occupation
Noon-Gather at Pioneer Court House Square
1 pm- March to Portland State University
1:30 pm- Indoor Rally at Portland State University Smith Building #296/298
Political Folk Musician - David Rovics
Palestinian-American Poet - Shady Athamneh
Bethlehem Theater Presentation
Sarah Hassouneh- Portland State University
Jessica Campbell- Oregon State University
Michael King- Lane Community College
Allison Weir- of ifamericansknew.org
Peter Miller - of AUPHR.ORG
Saed Bannoura- of IMEMC.ORG
Rosa M. Navarro - American University in Cairo
Sponsored by: Students United for Palestinian Equal Rights, Americans United for Palestinian Human Rights, Peaceful Response Coalition, Palestine Action Group, PDX Peace, and the International Socialist Organization
(email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. for further information, tables available for organizations)
been 1 year since Israel attacked the imprisoned population of Gaza
causing the deaths of over 1400 people. 400 of them were children.
of thousands around the globe protested in outrage at the blatant
violations of basic human rights as civilians were intentionally
targeted using banned chemical weapons like white phosphorus in one of the most densely populated areas in the world.
year later Gaza and the Palestinian people have still not seen
justice. The siege continues to starve the population with 1 in 4
children suffering from stunted growth , Gaza has not been rebuilt, and the international community has yet to arrest and try those guilty of war crimes.
Palestinian people continue to suffer over 40 years of an occupation
that has hardened into a system of oppression rivaling and often
surpassing the worst of South African Apartheid.
our government continues to politically, financially, and
militarily support Israel's crimes. Not only was President Obama was
silent during this massacre but his administration has tried to discredit and cover up the UN Goldstone report documenting Israel's war crimes.
US government for over 40 years has made the oppression of the
Palestinians possible by defending Israel's illegal actions and
supplying it with the weapons needed to brutalize the Palestinian
people. 7 million of our tax dollars are sent to Israel every day to pay for this madness!
Yet thousands around the world continue to say NO to Israel's crimes against the Palestinian people. In 1 week more than 1,000 participants from around the world will join the Gaza Freedom March in symbolically breaking the siege of Gaza.
3 students from Portland State University, Oregon State University, and University of Oregon will be among those in attendance.
Please Join us in solidarity with the students as they March to Break the Siege on Gaza!
December 14th, 2009 - Urgent Action from the US Campaign to End the Israeli Occupation
To take action, CLICK HERE!.
Funding Israeli Apartheid = $175 Bil
Occupation of Iraq = $700 Bil
Occupation of Afghanistan = $233 Bil
We need Jobs and Education
Not Wars and Occupation