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- Written by AUPHR AUPHR
- Published: 30 January 2010 30 January 2010
- Hits: 3400 3400
[Oregon congressman Kurt Schrader must have received an A+ from AIPAC for studying their position papers, as witnessed by this letter to one of his constituents . . .]
Thank you for contacting me regarding the ongoing conflict in Israel and the Palestinian territories. I appreciate your thoughts and concerns on this issue.
For too many generations, an unending cycle of violence has existed in the heart of the Middle East. With constant war and terrorist attacks, for more than 60 years Israeli's and Palestinian's have lived in a constant state of fear and tension. For these reasons, I strongly feel that the United States must be proactive in working towards a permanent solution to this conflict.
At the same time, I do believe that dramatic actions must be taken from both Israeli's and Palestinian's to move towards a peaceful solution. The Hamas leadership in Gaza must renounce terrorism and accept Israel's permanent right to exist as a free and sovereign nation with safe, defendable, and recognizable borders. The Palestinian government must also educate their citizens and promote peace, instead of hatred against Jews and Israel. Similarly, the Israeli government must cease building settlements within the West Bank. The Israeli government took a bold step toward peace with their unilateral withdrawal from Gaza in 2005. They must demonstrate that they are willing to take similar steps in the West Bank. Israel must also work to guarantee that basic humanitarian supplies are able to get into the Gaza Strip.
Arab and European countries must also be proactive in fighting anti-Zionist and anti-Semitic statements and actions against Israel. I consider boycotts against Israeli corporations, products, government officials, and citizens as being detrimental and a hindrance to solving the conflict. Similarly, one-sided and biased resolutions at the United Nations that unfairly target Israel do nothing to bring Israeli's and Palestinians together. Instead these actions only intensify hatred and mistrust on both sides.
President Obama has shown great leadership in appointing Special Envoy Mitchell as his representative in the Middle East. As your member of Congress, I look forward to working with him, Secretary Clinton, and congressional leadership in promoting a permanent and peaceful solution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.
Member of Congress