- Details
- Written by Rabbi Brant Rosen and Rabbi Alissa Wise Rabbi Brant Rosen and Rabbi Alissa Wise
- Published: 03 March 2011 03 March 2011
- Hits: 7267 7267
A week ago Mondoweiss posted an important story (related by Felice Gelman) about two rabbis whose Op-Ed on Gaza was supposed to go online in an hour's time at a major newspaper last Hanukah when the authors were presented with a lot of Israeli-tilted questions about the piece. And the piece never ran.
Readers, some rabbis are very brave! Rabbi Brant Rosen got in touch with us to say that the piece was his and Alissa Wise's. And Wise agreed that we could use her name, too. Below, Rosen offers the piece, and then the newspaper's edits! Maybe the editor in question will offer his or her story about the censorship next?
Alissa Wise and I were the rabbis in question.
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