- Details
- Written by George S. Rishmawi George S. Rishmawi
- Published: 05 June 2011 05 June 2011
- Hits: 5646 5646
Dear Friends,
Salaam and greetings.
Always new program and new opportunities to visit Palestine, always also we keep inviting our friends to join our annual programs starting with the Palestinian Summer Celebration 2011,bellow please find a number of opportunities to visit Palestine in a very special and unique way:
1- The Palestinian Summer Celebration: (Come and celebrate Palestine! The Palestinian Summer Celebration is a unique annual program that gives people from all over the world the chance to encounter the life, culture, and politics of Palestine. Learn Arabic and study Palestinian history at Bethlehem University, spend time with local families and volunteer with a community organization.)
For more information: http://www.sirajcenter.org/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=16&Itemid=1
2- Palestine Justice Network Campaign: http://www.palestinejn.org/ July 8th- July 16th 2011
3- Bike Palestine Tour September 2011 for more information www.bikepalestine.org
4- Walk Palestine: www.walkpalestine.org we continue arranging walking a long the steps of Abraham in the Abraham Path in Palestine ( Masar Ibrahim) http://abrahampath.org/palestine.php and we will send you more information about it soon, please view the latest video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FpyM1dB-uJ0
5- Also walk the Nativity Trail from Nazareth to Bethlehem: http://www.sirajcenter.org/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=142&Itemid=1
Siraj also partners with organizations and Travel Agencies globally in order to promote ethical and responsible travel to Palestine, please read bellow an invitation by our partner organization Global Exchange:
Meet the People – Learn the Facts – Make a Difference
Join a Reality Tour to move beyond mainstream media and contextualize socio-political issues around the globe! For the past 21 years our delegations have strived to integrate and intimately engage participants with community struggles, by directly meeting face-to-face with local activists, individuals and organizations working for positive changes in their communities. Commit yourself to social change and be sure to have a life changing empowering experience and recognize your own capacity to impact US foreign policy!
Environment and Occupation: Examine the affects that the Israeli Occupation has on the Environment of the Palestinian Territories and thus the livelihoods off Palestinians. The group will explore issues such as freedom and access to water and sanitation in the West Bank, the impact of the occupation on the Jordan Valley, deforestation in relation to Israeli practices, impacts of the apartheid wall construction on environment as well as the impacts of illegal settlement construction on the environment and people.
July 15 – 25, 2011 $2,300
Prospects For Peace with Justice: Experience the Palestine/Israel conflict from both sides of the Wall. Participants hear from a spectrum of grassroots voices and learn new views on the conflict and hopes for a just solution. Visit, Muslim, Christian and Jewish holy sites, learning the role these places play. Witness housing demolitions and settlement construction and the continuing toll they take on Palestinian livelihoods. Hear and witness the non-violent resistance in many forms to counter the occupation. Prepare to return to the US - forever changed.
July 1 – 11, 2011, December 2 – 12, 2011 and July 6 – 16, 2012 $2,450
Palestine Fair Olive Harvest: Observe the first-hand effects of occupation on the Palestinian economy, tourism and day-to-day life by joining us on this unique delegation to the West Bank. Learn how Fair Trade cooperatives are restoring hope and providing economic alternatives to the Palestinian people. Harvest olives with farmers who use organic practices, witness community-building traditions and cultivate a greater appreciation and understanding of Palestinian culture.
October 14 – 23, 2011 and October 26 – November 4, 2012 $2,000
For more detailed information please see our website or contact
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We look forward for having you with us in Palestine, Salaam and best regards,
George S. Rishmawi
Siraj, Center For Holy Land Studies
Beit Sahour, Schoold Street
P.O.Box 48
Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
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Tel: +972 2 274 8590
Fax: +972 2 274 8774
Mobile: 0599 180 872 or 0522 50 20 79
Skype: georgerish