- Details
- Written by Annie and Phil Weiss Annie and Phil Weiss
- Published: 28 June 2011 28 June 2011
- Hits: 4921 4921
IDF says flotilla activists are "planning to kill soldiers" (thanks to Max Blumenthal). And Dena Shunra tweeted this: "Haaretz publishes libel that #flotilla2 activists are armed & violent - keeps comments closed link to tinyurl.com to prevent dissent." And this is from Haaretz in Hebrew, via translation (Does Haaretz dogwhistle its Hebrew readers?). Notice the pure Islamophobia. No Muslim activists should be on the boats?
Senior military sources told Haaretz yesterday "that are increasing signs in recent days on the intention of some of the participants in the flotilla of aid to Gaza to initiate a violent confrontation with the navy. According to them, coordination meetings held by some groups active in the flotilla, activists talked about their desire to use violence and even "shed blood of soldiers." Also, although previous estimates, it appears that members of IHH [Turkish charitable org] and Arab and Muslim activists will join several ships to go out in the flotilla to Gaza....
[I]n some of the participants in the flotilla is a clear intention to violent conflict.