- Details
- Written by Move Over AIPAC! Move Over AIPAC!
- Published: 18 August 2011 18 August 2011
- Hits: 6296 6296
Partial list of the 81 Congresspeople touring Israel on an AIPAC-affiliate junket during the August Congressional Recess: Mo Brooks R-5 AL Is your congressperson going to Israel instead of working in district during the recess? 1. Tweet Congress with this message: Represent America, not Israel! 2. Send a letter to the editor of your local letter expressing your outrage if your Representative is going to Israel. 3. Visit your Congressperson’s office this month during the August Recess (when your Rep should be home).
Eric Cantor R-7 VA
Russ Carnahan D-3 MO
Steve Chabot R-1 OH (went last month)
David Cicilline D-1 RI
Yvette Clarke D-11 NY
Mark Critz D- 12 PA
Scott DesJarlais R- 4 TN
Chuck Fleischman R-3 TN
John Garamendi D-10 CA
Kay Granger R-12 TX
Michael Grimm NY-13
Janice Hahn D-36 CA
Jaime Herrera Buetler R-3 WA
Steny Hoyer D-5 MD
Jesse Jr. Jackson D-2 IL
Kevin McCarthy CA-22
Gwen Moore D-4 WI
Bill Owens D-23 NY
Steven Palazzo R-4 MS
Ed Perlmutter D-7 CO
Tom Price R-6 GA
Peter Roskam R-6 IL
Loretta Sanchez D-47 CA
David Schweikert R-5 AZ
Adam Smith D-9 WA
Steve Southerland R-2 FLA
Betty Sutton D-13 OH
Scott Tipton R-3 CO
Allen West R-22 FL
Frederica Wilson D-17 FL
Kevin Yoder R-3 KS
Take action!