- Details
- Written by Cindy Corrie Cindy Corrie
- Published: 02 September 2011 02 September 2011
- Hits: 6362 6362
Despite a long history of complicity in human rights abuses and violations of international law, Caterpillar Inc. has been selected to receive the National Building Museum’s Henry C. Turner Prize for Innovation in Construction Technology. This prize, to be awarded in Washington DC on September 14, is given annually to recognize “an invention, an innovative methodology, and/or exceptional leadership by an individual or team of individuals in construction technology.” Sadly, in Palestine and around the world, Caterpillar and its bulldozers have become a symbol of the Israeli occupation and of destruction – rather than one of innovative building and construction appropriate to the National Building Museum and the Henry C. Turner prize.
Sign our petition from individuals and organizations and tell the National Building Museum that it must reconsider its decision to reward Caterpillar Inc.’s complicity in human rights violations.