- Details
- Written by Will Seaman and Wael Elasady Will Seaman and Wael Elasady
- Published: 29 February 2012 29 February 2012
- Hits: 4706 4706
One Land, Many Voices welcomes renowned linguist, author and dissident
scholar, Noam Chomsky, for a full hour discussion of Palestine-Israel -
Prospects for Justice in Post-Arab Spring Palestine. On Friday, February
24th, at 9:00AM, Noam Chomsky joined hosts Wael Elasady and Will Seaman to
discuss the shifting political landscape of the Middle East, the potential
implications for US policy in the region and the possible consequences for
Palestinians and Israelis. Also on the agenda for the full-hour interview
were strategies for US-based activists working to bring a just peace to the
conflict. Click to listen to a full OLMV hour with Noam Chomsky!