- Details
- Written by William Seaman and Ned Rosch William Seaman and Ned Rosch
- Published: 12 March 2012 12 March 2012
- Hits: 5148 5148
For immediate release.
Monday, March 12, 2012
William Seaman - (503) 888-7455
Ned Rosch - (503) 381-7011
Jewish Voice for Peace - Portland, Oregon
Portland's Jewish Voice for Peace condemns latest Israeli aggression against
Gaza's population.
(Portland, Oregon) -- The local chapter of Jewish Voice for Peace has called
for an immediate end to Israeli attacks on Gaza, and for the US government
to end its support for the operations which have killed at least eighteen
Palestinians in the last week. "We are heartsick and outraged at this
latest rampage by the Israeli military, raining down terror upon an already
traumatized and suffering people," said William Seaman, a member of the
Jewish Voice for Peace Portland chapter. "It is especially frightening
because the entirely predictable response to this latest Israeli aggression,
the firing of rockets by Gazan militants into civilian regions of Israel,
has clearly put Israeli civilians at risk, giving the lie to the Israeli
government's justifications for their attacks." The Israeli government has
stated that its attacks on Gaza targeted militants who, they allege, were
planning an attack inside Israel.
"Instead of ending the inhumane and brutal siege on Gaza that is directly
causing needless suffering among many innocent Palestinians, current Israeli
use of crushing violence against Palestinians in Gaza further escalates a
lethal situation," explained Ned Rosch, another member of the Portland JVP
"The only language the Netanyahu government understands is that of violence
and terror; these latest actions further demonstrate his complete contempt
for the Obama Administration," said Seaman. "As US citizens who bankroll
the Israeli aggression, we have the moral obligation to cut off the pipeline
of US weapons and diplomatic cover that allow this aggression to continue."
Along with Amnesty International and other human rights organizations,
Jewish Voice for Peace supports a suspension of arms sales and any weapons
transfers to Israel based on the illegal use of those arms against
neighboring countries and within the Palestinian occupied territories.
"We are asking our fellow Oregonians to call their representatives in
Washington, DC, to express their strong condemnation of this latest
aggression by the state of Israel, and to demand an immediate cut-off of US
support," said Seaman. "The path to peace and security for Palestinians and
Israelis alike is through a just resolution to this conflict, and that means
an end to the Israeli occupation and its illegal blockade of Gaza."
To contact the local chapter of Jewish Voice for Peace, please call
503-888-7455 or (503) 381-7011.