- Details
- Written by Jewish Voice for Peace Jewish Voice for Peace
- Published: 10 May 2012 10 May 2012
- Hits: 5629 5629
Sign the Petition! I stand in solidarity with the Palestinian Hunger Strikers
Israel has long imprisoned Palestinians without charge, a practice called "administrative detention." But now Palestinians are making history by nonviolently resisting these abuses with a 2,000 prisoner hunger strike.
Their demand is just: freedom from arrest without charge, the right of habeas corpus, is at the foundation of international human rights. The hunger strikers have inspired support actions from Palestinians and Israeli allies, as well as from international human rights organizations like Amnesty International.
Two of the hunger strikers are near death. We need to bring them justice before it's too late. Please add your name to petition to end administrative detention below.
I support the Palestinian prisoners' hunger strike in opposition to inhumane prison conditions and the Israeli practice of detaining Palestinians without charge. I stand with their historic act of nonviolent resistance to these gross injustices.