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- Written by US Campaign to End the Israeli Occupation US Campaign to End the Israeli Occupation
- Published: 04 July 2012 04 July 2012
- Hits: 5660 5660
The Coalition to Stop $30 Billion to Israel, a member group of the US Campaign, put up 23 billboards like this in the Los Angeles area a few weeks ago.
As you can see, CBS Outdoor, the billboard company, then promptly took them down.
Why? Perhaps it had something to do with Rep. Howard Berman complaining about them in a press release.
Berman was agitated because he “must drive past” the billboards “every morning.” And, as Berman noted, he believes that he was elected to Congress by his constituents “in large part to fight for a stronger U.S.-Israel relationship. This has been, and will continue to be one [of] my top legislative priorities in Congress.”
Sign this petition to Rep. Berman telling him that you support the message in these billboards. Help us get 10,000 signatures and we'll creatively deliver the petition to him.
Dear Rep. Berman,
I support the message in the Los Angeles billboards about which you recently complained: Spend Our Money at Home, Not on the Israeli Military!