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- Written by Portland Jewish Voice for Peace Portland Jewish Voice for Peace
- Published: 28 August 2012 28 August 2012
- Hits: 4696 4696
Portland Jewish Voice for Peace
August 28, 2012
For Immediate Release
Local Jewish Organization Calls for Accountability for Killing of Olympia
“I spent a lot of time writing about the disappointment of discovering,
somewhat first-hand, the degree of evil of which we are still capable. I
should at least mention that I am also discovering a degree of strength
and of basic ability for humans to remain human in the direst of
circumstances – which I also haven’t seen before. I think the word is
dignity. I wish you could meet these people. Maybe, hopefully, someday you
will.” Rachel Corrie writing from Gaza (Palestine) Feb. 28, 2003
The verdict in the civil lawsuit brought by the parents of Rachel Corrie
against the State of Israel was delivered in a court in Haifa this
morning. Members of the local chapter of Jewish Voice for Peace expressed
disappointment in the outcome of the trial and called for accountability
for those responsible for the death of the young activist from Olympia,
“We are not surprised by the outcome of this trial because it is extremely
rare that governments are held accountable when their actions result in
the killing of civilians,” said William Seaman, a member of the Portland
chapter of Jewish Voice for Peace. “We are encouraged by and support the
Corrie family’s decision to appeal this verdict to the Israeli Supreme
Court but this outcome makes it all the more urgent that we also find
other ways to bring those responsible to account.”
JVP-Portland is calling for an increase in efforts to pressure financial
services company, TIAA-CREF, to divest entirely from companies that profit
from Israel’s occupation, which directly contributes to the killings of
civilians, both Palestinians and those who stand with them, as did Rachel
Corrie, at the cost of her life.
On March 23, 2003, Rachel Corrie, a 23- year- old American citizen, was
killed by an Israeli military Caterpillar bulldozer. She was killed as she
stood, non-violently, attempting to stop the demolition of the home of a
Palestinian civilian family in Gaza, Palestine. Corrie was wearing a
bright red reflective vest so as to be clearly visible. This did not
prevent the Israeli soldiers driving the Caterpillar bulldozer from
driving the bulldozer blade over Corrie, fracturing her spine and killing
Portland Jewish Voice for Peace (JVP) stands with the Corrie family and
with other citizens from around the world to remember Rachel Corrie and
calls for the Israeli Government to be held accountable for this crime.
“Those of us living in the Northwest feel a special connection to Rachel
Corrie, who lived in Olympia, Washington,” explained Maxine Fookson,
another member of JVP. “She bravely went to Palestine, armed only with
her intentions for peace and justice and with her notebooks and pen. She
wrote beautifully of the dignity of the Palestinian people.”
The demolition of Palestinian homes is a tactic used by the Israeli
military. Homes are demolished as a form of collective punishment.
Entire villages have been demolished in a deliberate process to confiscate
and uproot Palestinians from their land.
Caterpillar military bulldozers, manufactured in the U.S., are used by the
Israeli Military for home demolitions. Portland JVP calls on all people
of conscience to pressure the Caterpillar Corporation to stop
manufacturing and selling their bulldozers to Israel for military
purposes. “We stand with the international movement calling on
institutions and individuals to divest from companies that are involved
with or profit from the Israeli occupation of Palestine,” said Fookson.
“Specifically, we are urging the investment firm, TIAA-CREF, to divest
their holdings from Caterpillar Corporation and other companies that
perpetuate and profit from the Israeli occupation of Palestine.”
“We remember Rachel Corrie and stand with her in demanding justice for
Palestine,” said Fookson.
Portland JVP contact: 503-888-7455
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