- Details
- Written by Adam Horowitz Adam Horowitz
- Published: 11 November 2012 11 November 2012
- Hits: 4504 4504
News reports have placed Sheldon and Miriam Adelson's donations during this election cycle at at least $70 million and perhaps as much as $100 million. According to The Center for Responsive Politics, the couple gave $53,066,147 to "outside spending groups," or Super PACs, during the election. Besides their well publicized support for Mitt Romney (and Newt Gingrich before him), they also devoted considerable funds to an array of Republicans who endorse their right-wing, pro-settler Israeli politics.
Read more on Mondoweiss: http://mondoweiss.net/2012/11/what-did-the-sheldon-and-miriam-adelson-get-for-their-money-not-much.html