- Details
- Written by Just Foreign Policy Just Foreign Policy
- Published: 16 January 2013 16 January 2013
- Hits: 4988 4988
Senators: question nominees on drone strike policy!
President Obama has announced his national security leadership team: Chuck Hagel at Defense, John Kerry at State, John Brennan at CIA. Each of these nominees will have a say on whether current U.S. policy on drone strikes is further entrenched, or whether U.S. drone strike policy is brought into compliance with U.S. and international law. But first, each of these nominees must face a Senate confirmation hearing where Senators will be able to ask—and Administration nominees answer—questions about U.S. drone strike policy in open session.
Join me in urging the President and the Senate to use this opportunity to increase the transparency and accountability of U.S. drone strike policy by signing the petition at the link below.