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- Written by Deep Dish TV Deep Dish TV
- Published: 04 November 2013 04 November 2013
- Hits: 5127 5127
The Gaza Mono-Logues
Children of Gaza tell their stories of war and siege
A [1]Kickstarter project by Deep Dish TV
Conditions in Gaza are deteriorating. This morning the power plant forced to
close. New Israeli jet attack. Who is listening to the voices of the people of
Gaza? Please help us let them be heard.
Deep Dish TV's [3]Kickstarter campaign is half over, and we have only 40% of the
$5,000 we need to fund the film version of the Gaza Mono-Logues. These are
really powerful pieces written by 33 young people (ages 13-18) who survived the
2008-2009 Israeli attack on Gaza. Their voices should be heard. I know that you
have donated generously in the past to our film, [4]Where Should the Birds
Fly, but we need your support again. Please go to Deep Dish TV’s [5]Kickstarter
website for a short trailer, more info and to make a tax-deductible donation. We
need 25 people to donate $100 or 50 to donate $50. But every amount counts.
[6] http://kickstarter.com/projects/1767087449/the-gaza-mono-logues
Below are just a few quotes that give you an idea of the power and passion of
The Gaza Mono-Logues. Created by the Ashtar Theater in Ramallah, the monologues
have been performed by young theater groups in 50 cities around the world. New
York City hosted three performances by actors brought together from 22
countries: once at LaMama Theater and twice at the United Nations.
Please donate as generously as you can. And tell others about our fundraising
[7] http://kickstarter.com/projects/1767087449/the-gaza-mono-logues
Thanks very much,
Everyone loved him. His friends came and he went with them to school. They were
out running like butterflies, flying off the ground…like the world was created
for them. The Israeli planes were in the air. The sound of the helicopter was
like a monster waiting to pounce on its prey….We used to sleep one on top of the
other, legs on top of heads, sometimes it felt like all our limbs were jumbled
together. But today I have the bed to myself.
– Ashraf A. Sossi, (14 at the time of his younger brother's death) – From The
Gaza Mono-Logues
If it was in my hands, I would try as much as possible to reduce wars, death and
violence...I hate the silence and abnormal tolerance that people have....I've
lost trust in all mottos...the biggest speech from the biggest leader is
bullshit, all speeches in the world don't warm up a cold person or someone
sleeping in a tent after the war. The crisis is that the whole world is watching
us, as though there's nothing going on, and they're still making speeches.
– Amjad Abu Yassin, (18 years old) – From The Gaza Mono-Logues
Since I was a small kid I've dreamt of being a famous football player. I was a
goalkeep and my friend Mohammed kept telling me: "I'm going to get a goal," but
I always stopped his goals...On 7th January 2009, a day in the war, I was
sitting at the door of our house and it was foggy, and someone came to tell me
your friend Mohammed was martyred...I got to the mosque, and saw the closest
friend of my life Mohammed wrapped in the flag of Palestine and torn into
pieces....Dreams, security, hope and the future are all words that lose their
meaning in a city that kills the smallest dream possible.
– Anas Abu Eitah (16 years old ) – From the Gaza Mono-Logues
I thought the state of war and the scenes of martys and destruction would affect
people's appetite for food, but it seems that the state of fear, horror and
worry makes people more hungry and they eat more...The food we ate in twenty
days of war was enough for a year. And the problem was, every time I said I
don't want to eat, I ate more.
– Taima'a Okasha – (11 years old ) – From the Gaza Monologues
I started having terrifying dreams. All night I have a conflict within myself,
between desire to sleep and fear of nightmares...Sleep became a monster hiding
behind my eyelids.
– Rawand Ja'rour (11 years old) – From the Gaza Mono-Logues
Deep Dish TV
339 Lafayette Street
New York, NY 10012
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1. http://www.kickstarter.com/projects/1767087449/the-gaza-mono-logues
2. http://www.kickstarter.com/projects/1767087449/the-gaza-mono-logues
3. http://www.kickstarter.com/projects/1767087449/the-gaza-mono-logues
4. http://whereshouldthebirdsfly.org/
5. http://www.kickstarter.com/projects/1767087449/the-gaza-mono-logues
6. http://www.kickstarter.com/projects/1767087449/the-gaza-mono-logues
7. http://www.kickstarter.com/projects/1767087449/the-gaza-mono-logues
8. http://deepdishtv.org/
9. mailto:This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
10. http://deepdishtv.org/