- Details
- Written by Annie Robbins Annie Robbins
- Published: 15 March 2016 15 March 2016
- Hits: 6947 6947
Fantastic news, Haaretz reported Thursday that Ahava Dead Sea cosmetics, a company that pillages mud products from occupied Palestine and longtime target of Code Pink’s Stolen Beauty Ahava boycott campaign, plans to move their factory from the occupied West Bank to within Israel’s pre-1967 borders.
The announcement comes after 7 long years, an onslaught of protests including activists chaining themselves to concrete blocks inside Ahava’s London store, and persistent online social media actions by dedicated activists spanning continents since the campaign was launched in 2009.
- See more at: http://mondoweiss.net/2016/03/bds-victory-ahava-moving-factory-out-of-occupied-west-bank