- Details
- Written by Friends of Sabeel - North America Friends of Sabeel - North America
- Published: 10 April 2016 10 April 2016
- Hits: 7047 7047
We applaud the recent decision of the Unitarian Universalist Association (UUA) to divest from several companies complicit in violations of Palestinian human rights, including Hewlett Packard Enterprise, HP Inc., Motorola Solutions, and Caterpillar. The adoption of the UUA's Human Rights in Conflict Zones investment screen sends a powerful message promoting human rights to companies operating throughout the world. The implementation of the screen also provides an inspiring model for other faith-based communities in the United States. Not only do we thank you for this critical effort, we strongly support the passing of the Proposed Business Resolution: Divestment from Corporations Complicit in the Violation of Palestinian Rights at the Unitarian Universalists 2016 General Assembly