- Details
- Written by SUPER, ISO, JVP, Friends of Sabeel Portland, AUPHR SUPER, ISO, JVP, Friends of Sabeel Portland, AUPHR
- Published: 22 July 2014 22 July 2014
- Hits: 4791 4791
Please join us this Thursday, July 24, in this urgent call to stop the Israeli massacre in Gaza. In this latest round of violence by Israel, over 500 Palestinians have been killed and thousands are injured. Seventy-two percent of those are civilians, including over 80 children. One hundred thousand are displaced and living in makeshift shelters; electricity has been reduced to four hours a day for 80% of the population; water has been cut off to hundreds of thousands; hospitals have been bombed and there are shortages of everything from food to medicines. We must act now!
See event Facebook for updated details:
6:00 pm- Rally Pioneer Square
6:45 pm- March with stops along the way at stores targeted for BDS actions
7:45 return to Pioneer Square
There will also be a Bike Swarm for Palestine and Freedom Ride for Palestine that will circle Pioneer Square as we rally and then join the march. Look for Facebook pages for details on those actions.
Bike Swarm for Palestine- https://www.facebook.com/events/350235151800341/
Freedom Ride for Palestine- details coming soon!
Sponsored by SUPER, ISO, JVP, Friends of Sabeel Portland, AUPHR